Horace Quotes

Text Quotes
Curst is the wretch enslaved to such a vice, who ventures life and soul upon the dice (Horace Quotes)
Fortune, delighting in her cruel task, and playing her wanton game untiringly, is ever shifting her uncertain favours (Horace Quotes)
Sovereign money procures a wife with a large fortune, gets a man credit, creates friends, stands in place of pedigree, and even of beauty (Horace Quotes)
He who speaks ill of an absent friend, or fails to take his part if attacked by another, that man is a scoundrel (Horace Quotes)
I live and reign since I have abandoned those pleasures which you by your praises extol to the skies (Horace Quotes)
I would advise him who wishes to imitate well, to look closely into life and manners, and thereby to learn to express them with truth (Horace Quotes)
The people hiss me, but I applaud myself at home, when I contemplate the money in my chest (Horace Quotes)
Those who are unacquainted with the world take pleasure in the intimacy of great men; those who are wiser dread the consequences (Horace Quotes)
For example, the tiny ant, a creature of great industry, drags with its mouth whatever it can, and adds it to the heap which she is piling up, not unaware nor careless of the future (Horace Quotes)
Happy he who far from business, like the primitive are of mortals, cultivates with his own oxen the fields of his fathers, free from all anxieties of gain (Horace Quotes)
Shun to seek what is hid in the womb of the morrow, and set down as gain in life’s ledger whatever time fate shall have granted thee (Horace Quotes)
Though your threshing floor grind a hundred thousand bushels of corn, not for that reason will your stomach hold more than mine (Horace Quotes)
Virtue, opening heaven to those who do not deserve to die, makes her course by paths untried (Horace Quotes)
A vase is begun; why, as the wheel goes round, does it turn out a pitcher? (Horace Quotes)
Happy and thrice happy are they who enjoy an uninterrupted union, and whose love, unbroken by any complaints, shall not dissolve until the last day (Horace Quotes)
Whatever things injure your eye you are anxious to remove; but things which affect your mind you defer (Horace Quotes)
Not treasured wealth, nor the consul’s lictor, can dispel the mind’s bitter conflicts and the cares that flit, like bats, about your fretted roofs (Horace Quotes)
There is a mean in all things; and, moreover, certain limits on either side of which right cannot be found (Horace Quotes)
Fate with impartial hand turns out the doom of high and low; her capacious urn is constantly shaking the names of all mankind (Horace Quotes)
Still though the headlong cavalier, over rough and smooth, in wild career, seems racing with the wind; his sad companion, ghastly pale, and darksome as a widow’s veil, care keeps her seat behind (Horace Quotes)
In the midst of hope and anxiety, in the midst of fear and anger, believe every day that has dawned to be your last; happiness which comes unexpected will be the more welcome (Horace Quotes)
He who is always in a hurry to be wealthy and immersed in the study of augmenting his fortune has lost the arms of reason and deserted the post of virtue (Horace Quotes)
Gold loves to make its way through guards, and breaks through barriers of stone more easily than the lightning’s bolt (Horace Quotes)
Never inquire into another man’s secret; bur conceal that which is intrusted to you, though pressed both be wine and anger to reveal it (Horace Quotes)
Pry not into the affairs of others, and keep secret that which has been entrusted to you, though sorely tempted by wine and passion (Horace Quotes)
Too indolent to bear the toil of writing; I mean of writing well; I say nothing about quantity (Horace Quotes)
That man scorches with his brightness, who overpowers inferior capacities, yet he shall be revered when dead (Horace Quotes)
Wise were the kings who never chose a friend till with full cups they had unmasked his soul, and seen the bottom of his deepest thoughts (Horace Quotes)
For a man learns more quickly and remembers more easily that which he laughs at, than that which he approves and reveres (Horace Quotes)
Who loves the golden mean is safe from the poverty of a tenement, is free from the envy of a palace (Horace Quotes)