Horace Smith Quotes
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Text Quotes
Hence, dear delusion, sweet enchantment hence (Horace Smith Quotes)
Inconsistency is the only thing in which men are consistent (Horace Smith Quotes)
Our charity begins at home, and mostly ends where it begins (Horace Smith Quotes)
Poetry is the music of thought, conveyed to us in music of language (Horace Smith Quotes)
Courage is the fear of being thought a coward (Horace Smith Quotes)
Jokes are the cayenne of conversation, and the salt of life (Horace Smith Quotes)
An ugly face and the want of exterior beauty generally increases the interior beauty (Horace Smith Quotes)
The shadow of a sound, a voice without a mouth, and words without a tongue (Horace Smith Quotes)
Floral apostles! That in dewy splendor weep without woe, and blush without a crime (Horace Smith Quotes)
Revenge, which, like envy, is an instinct of justice, does but take into its own hands the execution of that natural law which precedes the social (Horace Smith Quotes)
Precept and example, like the blades of a pair of scissors, are admirably adapted to their end when conjoined; separated, they lose the greater portion of their utility (Horace Smith Quotes)
Conversation stock being a joint and common property, every one should take a share in it; and yet there may be societies in which silence will be our best contribution (Horace Smith Quotes)
A relish bestowed upon the poorer classes, that they may like what they may eat; while it is seldom enjoyed by the rich, because they may eat what they like (Horace Smith Quotes)
We may hold it slavish to dress according to the judgment of fools and the caprice of coxcombs; but are we not ourselves both when we are singular in our attire? (Horace Smith Quotes)
One would not object to the prevalent notion that whatever is fashionable is right, if our rulers of the mode would contrive that whatever is right should be fashionable (Horace Smith Quotes)
A secret is like silence: you cannot talk about it, and keep it. It is like money; when once you know there is any concealed, it is half discovered (Horace Smith Quotes)
Good and bad luck is but a synonyme, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment (Horace Smith Quotes)
The liberty of the press is the true measure of all other liberty; for all freedom without this must be merely nominal (Horace Smith Quotes)
Aspiring to nothing but humility, the wise man will make it the height of his ambition to be unambitious. As he cannot effect all that he wishes, he will only wish for that which he can effect (Horace Smith Quotes)
I saw them go; one horse was blind, the tails of both hung down behind, their shoes were on their feet (Horace Smith Quotes)
Death is a silent, peaceful genius, who rocks our second childhood to sleep in the cradle of the coffin (Horace Smith Quotes)
Slanderers are at all events economical for they make a little scandal go a great way, and rarely open their mouths except at the expense of other people (Horace Smith Quotes)
Favors, and especially pecuniary ones, are generally fatal to friendship; for our pride will ever prompt us to lower the value of the gift by diminishing that of the donor (Horace Smith Quotes)
The moral courage that will face obloquy in a good cause is a much rarer gift than the bodily valor that will confront death in a bad one (Horace Smith Quotes)
Pure religion may generally be measured by the cheerfulness of its professors, and superstition by the gloom of its victims (Horace Smith Quotes)
Quills are things that are sometimes taken from the pinions of one goose to spread the opinions of another (Horace Smith Quotes)
Bravery is a cheap and vulgar quality, of which the brightest instances are frequently found in the lowest savage (Horace Smith Quotes)
Popularity is like the brightness of a falling star, the fleeting splendor of a rainbow, the bubble that is sure to burst by its very inflation (Horace Smith Quotes)
Speech is a laggard and a sloth; but the eyes shoot out electric fluid that condenses all the elements of sentiment and passion in one single emanation (Horace Smith Quotes)
Thinking is but an idle waste of thought, and nought is everything and everything is nought (Horace Smith Quotes)
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