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Horse Quotes

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All in green went my love riding on a great horse of gold into the silver dawn  (Horse Quotes) A man who examines the saddle and bridle and not the animal itself when he is out to buy a horse is a fool; similarly, only an absolute fool values a man according to his clothes, or according to his position, which after all is only something we wear like clothing  (Horse Quotes) The circling horse was an oblique warning that I would repeat the same mistake eternally. Would the law of averages allow it? Can anything continue without change? Nothing else in nature behaves so consistently and rigidly as a human being in pursuit of hell  (Horse Quotes) It is far more independent to travel on foot. You have to sacrifice so much to the horse. You cannot choose the most agreeable places in which to spend the noon., commanding the finest views, because commonly there is no water there, or you cannot get there with your horse  (Horse Quotes) My grandfather was very into horse racing, and I found some of his old journals and got into it from there. It has a lot of parallels to skiing. It’s a fun lifestyle, being around the racetrack  (Horse Quotes) My great forte in killing buffaloes was to get them circling by riding my horse at the head of the herd and shooting their leaders. Thus the brutes behind were crowded to the left, so that they were soon going round and round  (Horse Quotes) And he that said that a horse was not dressed, whose curb was not loose, said right; and it is equally true that the curb can never play, when in its right place, except the horse be upon his haunches  (Horse Quotes) The main secret for a horse that is heavy upon the hand, is for the rider to have a very light one; for when he finds nothing to bear upon with his mouth, he infallibly throws himself upon the haunches for his own security  (Horse Quotes) These are excellent lessons to break him, and make him light in hand: but nothing puts a horse so much upon his haunches, and consequently makes him so light in hand, as my new method of the pillar  (Horse Quotes) They sit there in committees day after day, and they each put in a color and it comes out gray. And we all have heard the saying, which is true as well as witty, that a camel is a horse that was designed by a committee  (Horse Quotes) Just able barely to mount a horse and ride about a little in the spring of 1866, my life was threatened daily, and I was forced to go heavily armed. The whole country was then full of militia, robbing, plundering and killing  (Horse Quotes) How great a quality is horse sense! Someone has defined it as that something which keeps horses from betting on men!  (Horse Quotes) Whenever I was upset by something in the papers, always told me to be more tolerant, like a horse flicking away flies in the summer  (Horse Quotes) It is best to let the horse go his way, and pretend it is yours. There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse  (Horse Quotes) To a young actor: How tall are you without your horse? Six foot, seven inches. Never mind the six feet. Let’s talk about the seven inches!  (Horse Quotes) If you’re lucky enough to draw a good horse, you still have to ride him, then the next ones  (Horse Quotes) When I saw the movie, I said, I wish I had heard the music. I would have ridden the horse differently  (Horse Quotes) When a man’s mind rides faster than his horse can gallop they quickly both tire  (Horse Quotes) Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he/she will have to accept that his life will be radically changed  (Horse Quotes) Each handicap is like a hurdle in a steeplechase, and when you ride up to it, if you throw your heart over, the horse will go along, too  (Horse Quotes) I have seen flowers come in stony places and kind things done by men with ugly faces and the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races, so I trust too  (Horse Quotes) A horse loves freedom, and the weariest old work horse will roll on the ground or break into a lumbering gallop when he is turned loose into the open  (Horse Quotes) A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot  (Horse Quotes) Wherever man has left his footprint in the long ascent from barbarism to civilization we will find the hoofprint of the horse beside it  (Horse Quotes) A horse can lend its rider the speed and strength he or she lacks, but the rider who is wise remembers it is no more than a loan  (Horse Quotes) If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question, or asked the question wrong  (Horse Quotes) A horse doesn’t care how much you know, until he knows how much you care  (Horse Quotes) When the motor was completed and tested, we found that it would develop 16 horse power for a few seconds, but that the power rapidly dropped till, at the end of a minute, it was only 12 horse power  (Horse Quotes) What an excellent horse do they lose, for want of address and boldness to manage him!... I could manage this horse better than others do  (Horse Quotes) Their horse cavalry, of which they had twelve brigades, charged valiantly against the swarming tanks and armoured cars but could not harm them with their swords and lances  (Horse Quotes)
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