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Horse Quotes

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Try as you may, you don’t get down as you would from a horse, you get down as you would from a house afire. You make a spectacle of yourself every time  (Horse Quotes) Remember that a picture, before being a battle horse, a nude, an anecdote or whatnot, is essentially a flat surface covered with colours assembled in a certain order  (Horse Quotes) The domestic horse world needs to usher in a new order of horsemanship, based upon the paradigm of the natural horse and rider  (Horse Quotes) Knight, keep well thy head, for thou shalt have a buffet for the slaying of my horse  (Horse Quotes) Ah, dubin, you meet a pretty girl on the road and are braced to hop on a horse in pursuit of youth  (Horse Quotes) Tim was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages: so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on  (Horse Quotes) Treat a horse like a woman and a woman like a horse. and they’ll both win for you  (Horse Quotes) Timothy was so learned he could name a horse in 9 languages, and bought a cow to ride on  (Horse Quotes) One of the worst things that can happen to you in life is to win a bet on a horse at an early age  (Horse Quotes) You can’t lead a cavalry if you think that you look funny riding a horse  (Horse Quotes) He that hath a scrupulous conscience is like a horse that is not well weighed; he starts at every bird that flies out of the hedge  (Horse Quotes) Who letts his wife goe to every feast, and his horse drinke at every water, shall neither have good wife nor good horse  (Horse Quotes) A peasant can no more help believing in a traditional superstition than a horse can help trembling when be sees a camel  (Horse Quotes) The trainer trains the docile horse to turn, with his sensitive neck, whichever way the rider indicates  (Horse Quotes) I saw them go; one horse was blind, the tails of both hung down behind, their shoes were on their feet  (Horse Quotes) The spirited horse, which will of itself strive to beat in the race, will run still more swiftly if encouraged  (Horse Quotes) It is quite easy for stupid people to be happy; they believe in fables, and they trot on in a beaten track like a horse on a tramway  (Horse Quotes) It’s hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse  (Horse Quotes) If time were the wicked sheriff in a horse opera, I’d pay for riding lessons and take his gun away  (Horse Quotes) But I never worked with a northern horse before. They are very different from western horses  (Horse Quotes) For a good life: Work like a dog. Eat like a horse. Think like a fox. And play like a rabbit  (Horse Quotes) All in green went my love of riding on a great horse of gold into the silver dawn  (Horse Quotes) I think thy horse will sooner con an oration than thou learn a prayer without book  (Horse Quotes) I didn’t say the meat was tough. I said I didn’t see the horse that is usually outside  (Horse Quotes) But my method of the pillar, as it throws the horse yet more upon the haunches, is still more effectual to this purpose, and besides always gives him the ply to the side he goes of  (Horse Quotes) But we ought to consider the natural form and shape of a horse, that we may work him according to nature  (Horse Quotes) Many a person who started out to conquer the world in shining army has ended up just getting along. The horse got tired, the army rusty. The goal was removed and unsure  (Horse Quotes) Everything comes back to the horse, which is why I love it. You put your ego aside, and you concentrate on getting the best performance out of this creature  (Horse Quotes) Wouldn’t it fun to be able to communicate with a horse while you were riding it  (Horse Quotes) When Steven Spielberg thinks you’re the one, then I’ll do anything. If you want me to put a dead horse on my head, I’ll do it  (Horse Quotes)
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