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Horses Quotes

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My favorite movie out of the old movies was ‘Escape to Witch Mountain.’ We were working with horses and bears, and when you have a great friend like Ike and a great director... it was a great experience.  (Horses Quotes) My father taught me how to draw horses - for this I shall be eternally grateful  (Horses Quotes) While we women dilly-dally, making decisions, leaving jobs half done, forgetting where we’ve put the house keys while we water the Hoover and leave the laundry in the dishwasher, men, like blinkered horses, look straight ahead, oblivious to peripheral vision, where a discarded pile of wet towels might have caught their eye.  (Horses Quotes) Charles Darwin and I and you broke off from the family tree from chimpanzees about five million years ago. They’re still our closest genetic kin. We share 98.8 percent of the genes. We share more genes with them than zebras do with horses. And we’re also their closest cousin. They have more genetic relation to us than to gorillas.  (Horses Quotes) When educating horses there is no greater maxim than slow is fast and fast is slow  (Horses Quotes) I confess that as a young boy, Sunday was not my favorite day. Grandfather shut down the action. We didn’t have any transportation. We couldn’t drive the car. He wouldn’t even let us start the motor. We couldn’t ride the horses, or the steers, or the sheep.  (Horses Quotes) I want to do a Western so bad because I want to ride horses and act. Those are two of my favorite things in the world to do. I want to do that.  (Horses Quotes) I had the fear of heights when I was young, along with many other fears and phobias, including the fear of dogs, bees, horses, and blood.  (Horses Quotes) There is no greater feeling than hanging out with my dogs, or just walking around the land with our horses. My rescue ranch is is where I feel the most at peace and where I’m reminded of the simple things in life and let the chaos of my crazy work life fade away.  (Horses Quotes) When you’re writing your own fiction, you don’t have to ride two horses  (Horses Quotes) A few years ago, when I had no work and started believing that films weren’t a viable career, I thought of finding another job. I started training and riding horses and got consumed by that. It was a boon in disguise.  (Horses Quotes) This is the part of us that makes our brief, improbable little lives worth living: the ability to reach through our own isolation and find strength, and comfort, and warmth for and in each other. This is what human beings do. This is what we live for, the way horses live to run.  (Horses Quotes) I like folk songs, but ten horses couldn’t bring me to a concert or an opera  (Horses Quotes) Horses will never be my career. It’s just a big passion of mine, and one that will always be there in the background, but football is my main passion and everyone knows that.  (Horses Quotes) Chaunt in his ear delusions magical, That he may fight the horses of the sea. The Druids took them to their mystery, And chaunted for three days.  (Horses Quotes) Horses are incredibly forgiving. They fill in places we’re not capable of filling ourselves.  (Horses Quotes) Darwin found out that when you took horses up to the high country in the Middle East, they would then grow long hair after a season or two. But when you took them - these long-haired horses - back into the low, hot country, they wouldn’t get rid of the long hair, just in case, for about four generations.  (Horses Quotes) Men ran after and ate horses for four hundred thousand years. The outcome is more than a love of horse flesh; it is a runner’s body.  (Horses Quotes) In the terms of ‘Mental Illness’ Isn’t stable a place they put horses that wish to run free?  (Horses Quotes) But emotions were, indeed, wild horses and they demanded to be heard. Brida let them run free for a while until they grew tired  (Horses Quotes) Our panaceas cure but few ails, our general hospitals are private and exclusive. We must set up another Hygeia than is now worshiped. Do not the quacks even direct small doses for children, larger for adults, and larger still for oxen and horses? Let us remember that we are to prescribe for the globe itself.  (Horses Quotes) I’ve come off horses and fought in medieval battles using axes, hammers and swords as well as fists. Getting your teeth knocked out is an occupational hazard.  (Horses Quotes) I wouldn’t have raced a horse. But you’ll then throw back at me that Jesse Owens raced against a horse, and he’s one of my heroes, so I’m not going to say it was a silly stunt. I know too much about horses. They’re highly unreliable, and they’ve got brains the size of golf balls.  (Horses Quotes) I wouldn’t trade a good horse for the best Rolls-Royce ever made -- unless I could trade the Rolls for two good horses.  (Horses Quotes) Though I am an old horse, and have seen and heard a great deal, I never yet could make out why men are so fond of this sport; they often hurt themselves, often spoil good horses, and tear up the fields, and all for a hare, or a fox, or a stag, that they could get more easily some other way; but we are only horses, and don’t know.  (Horses Quotes) The hardest animal was the vulture. But the horses were great, the dog was great [in Valley of Violence]. It was really easy.  (Horses Quotes) My father was a great fan of the horses. His only regret was that I never ran in the Grand National.  (Horses Quotes) We had a great many horses, of which we gave Lewis and Clark what they needed, and they gave us guns and tobacco in return.  (Horses Quotes) My great-grandfather, Peter O’Hara, was born in Ireland, I believe, in County Clare. His father, my great-great-grandfather, had actually come to America a generation before when times were very bad in Ireland. He worked in the Pennsylvania area and did well with horses and farming.  (Horses Quotes) I’m kind of a horse whisperer; I don’t know what it is. I’m not great on a horse. I’m getting better, but I’m not brilliant. So yeah, I’ve spent a lot of time with horses. They’re great creatures; I love them. I do love riding them when I get the chance to.  (Horses Quotes)
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