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Horses Quotes

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I love horses. I think I may have been one of Henry VIII’s knights in another life, riding through a great forest.  (Horses Quotes) I was last in Rome in AD 540 when it was full of Goths and their heavy horses. It has changed a great deal since then.  (Horses Quotes) When the dust of death has choked a great man’s voice, the common words he said turn oracles, the common thoughts he yoked like horses draw like griffins.  (Horses Quotes) I was born and raised in Pawnee City, Nebraska. I lived right next to the sale barn and I raised pigs. My dad was a guidance counselor at Wymore High School. He was also a preacher and did farming as well. We leased out our crop land but had cattle and horses.  (Horses Quotes) The first thing that matters: I am a child of the eighties. I grew up in a neon wonderland of talking horses, compassionate bears, hair that didn’t move in a stiff wind, and the constant threat of nuclear war.  (Horses Quotes) If cattle and horses, or lions, had hands, or were able to draw with their feet and produce the works which men do, horses would draw the forms of gods like horses, and cattle like cattle, and they would make the gods’ bodies the same shape as their own.  (Horses Quotes) I’ve always had a love for horses since I was really young. When I was 5 years old, the only thing that made me happy was when they’d take me out and give me pony rides.  (Horses Quotes) I have way too many hobbies. I play guitar, and my buddies and I record music in a studio in my house. I have a couple of vintage Jeeps I’m always working on, fixing up. And I ride horses - I grew up on a horse ranch - and play basketball. I need to cut back on my hobbies so I can work more.  (Horses Quotes) I’m used to riding horses. My father used to breed horses when I was a child. I grew up in Tipperary, in the country, and lots of people have horses there. If my parents hadn’t been in the business, we would have them anyway, as pets. And my cousin Richard is a jockey.  (Horses Quotes) I loved riding bikes and horses. I was eight when I started having lessons, and when my father bought me my own horse I couldn’t wait to go off on my own.  (Horses Quotes) All horses are different - sometimes they have a long neck - so you don’t ride the same way on every horse. It depends on their body, and your body, but the object is to get down low so you’re aerodynamic, so you call pull from the horse through the head. The best jockeys do that really well, and know how much to push.  (Horses Quotes) I’ve always loved horses. I had one horse when I was in high school, but I had to sell him because we moved to Germany, and it ripped my heart out, so I never wanted to go through that pain again. When we moved to Cincinnati and Louisville, Kentucky, I was able to ride then.  (Horses Quotes) A lot of times, rather than helping people with horse problems, I’m helping horses with people problems.  (Horses Quotes)
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