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It’s hot on my block, somebody turn the fan onI’ve been paid, I’m just tryin to turn my mans on  (Hot Quotes) We started the season off really hot, then we had some ups and downs. You can’t have a season where it’s perfect. It’s what you want but in reality it’s not going to happen all the time  (Hot Quotes) No one rises so high as he who knows not whither he is going. Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking. Do not trust the cheering, for those persons would shout as much if you or I were going to be hanged  (Hot Quotes) He gets a little hot sometimes, but that’s fine. It shows he wants to win... he fires at pins. I’d rather have someone miss some cuts who’s shooting at pins and playing aggressively  (Hot Quotes) I think I’m a very pretty girl. I’m never going to pretend to think otherwise. There are even days I feel I’m fabulously hot and sexy. I’m grateful for my looks. My family is doing well because of them. I can make career choices and turn down movies because of them and I have been making money from them for 17 years. My looks are who I am  (Hot Quotes) To think deeply in our culture is to grow angry and to anger others; and if you cannot tolerate this anger, you are wasting the time you spend thinking deeply. One of the rewards of deep thought is the hot glow of anger at discovering a wrong, but if anger is taboo, thought will starve to death  (Hot Quotes) You cannot touch the clouds, you know; but you feel the rain and know how glad the flowers and the thirsty earth are to have it after a hot day. You cannot touch love either; but you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything. Without love you would not be happy or want to play  (Hot Quotes) As long as it is hot, wet and goes down the right way, its fine with me  (Hot Quotes) A policeman stopped me and said: Would you please blow into this bag, sir? I said: What for, officer? He said: My chips are too hot  (Hot Quotes) Those who practice know whether realization is attained or not, just as those who drink water know whether it is hot or cold  (Hot Quotes) First I went left, he did too. Then I went right, and he did too. Then I went left again, and he went to buy a hot dog  (Hot Quotes) Dinner alone is one of life’s pleasures. Certainly cooking for oneself reveals man at his weirdest. People lie when you ask them what they eat when they are alone. A salad, they tell you. But when you persist, they confess to peanut butter and bacon sandwiches deep fried and eaten with hot sauce, or spaghetti with butter and grape jam  (Hot Quotes) Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal while blaming our misery on the person who started the fire  (Hot Quotes) I wear tinted visor not to trick other players, but so hot girls in stands don’t see me looking at them  (Hot Quotes) Unless you have suffered and wept, you really don’t understand what compassion is, nor can you give comfort to someone who is suffering. If you haven’t cried, you can’t dry another’s eyes. Unless you’ve walked in darkness, you can’t help wanderers find the way. Unless you’ve looked into the eyes of menacing death and felt its hot breath, you can’t help another rise from the dead and taste anew the joy of being alive  (Hot Quotes) Remember the steam kettle; though up to its neck in hot water it continues to sing  (Hot Quotes) If the worst happens, if you lose and fail, but you still celebrate coming second because you’ve given it a red hot go. There is no need to fear failure  (Hot Quotes) There were some days that deserved to be drowned at birth and everyone sent back to bed with a hot brandy, a box of chocolates and a warm, energetic companion. Today was without question one of those days  (Hot Quotes) The best way to keep your daughter out of hot water is to put some dishes in it  (Hot Quotes) You don’t go to a show because you think someone in the band is hot  (Hot Quotes) When the weather is hot, keep a cool mind. When the weather is cold, keep a warm heart  (Hot Quotes) Smart, truly hilarious, and entirely sympathetic. Like a hot bubble bath or a holiday at the beach, you won’t want it to end  (Hot Quotes) Slinky as a lynx, hot as pepper, cool as rain, dry as smoke. There’s considerably more to her than staying sexy at 60  (Hot Quotes) The best part of being in a band and being successful is you get to have hot girls lace up your shoes  (Hot Quotes) We must not only strike the iron while it is hot, but strike it till it is made hot  (Hot Quotes) Fortunately my wife is understanding. When I come home from the races she never asks any questions, if I tell her I just ate a $380 hot dog  (Hot Quotes) Don’t feel guilty about driving somewhere nice to run. If people can drive to a park to eat hot dogs, you can drive there to run  (Hot Quotes) Ardent, intelligent, sweet, sensitive, cultivated, erudite. These are the adjectives of praise in an androgynous world. Those who consider them epithets of shame or folly ought not to be trusted with leadership, for they will be men hot for power and revenge, certain of right and wrong  (Hot Quotes) His blood is black and boiling hot, he gurgles ghastly groans. He’ll cook you in his dinner pot, your skin, your flesh, your bones  (Hot Quotes) The sport to which I owe so much has undergone profound changes, but it’s still baseball. Kids still imitate their heroes on playgrounds. Fans still ruin expensive suits going after foul balls that cost five dollars. Hitting streaks still make the network news and hot dogs still taste better at the ballpark than at home  (Hot Quotes)
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