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Very few people know how to work. Inspiration, everybody has inspiration. That’s just hot air  (Hot Quotes) Sure. I’d like to live regular. Go home to a good looking wife, a hot dinner, and a husky kid. But I guess I got film in my blood. I love this racket. It’s exciting. It’s dangerous. It’s funny. It’s tough. It’s heartbreaking  (Hot Quotes) Here’s what I believe is sexy at work: being strong and committed and confident, being precisely who you are and in hot pursuit of the goals and ideas you believe in so much they captivate and inspire others  (Hot Quotes) Sustainability is now a big baggy sack in which people throw all kinds of old ideas, hot air and dodgy activities in order to be able to greenwash their products and feel good  (Hot Quotes) If the iron is hot, I desire to believe it is hot, and if it is cool, I desire to believe it is cool  (Hot Quotes) Today everything must be easy and it mustn’t take time... ready meals. Powdered hot chocolate and instant coffee... Living takes time. We need to give each other time  (Hot Quotes) Bakery air is that steaming hot front of thick, buttery fumes waiting for you just inside the door of a bakery. And I am just going to tell you straight up: That is some fine air!  (Hot Quotes) You need flawless balance on the recovery. You need white hot focus and the concentration to row square blades cleanly for seven miles. Smooth water doesn’t hurt either  (Hot Quotes) When I’m really hot, I can walk into a room and if a man doesn’t look at me, he’s probably gay  (Hot Quotes) He’s sort of caught everybody on the hot, really, and good luck to him. He tried it last week as an experiment and it certainly worked  (Hot Quotes) I am aware that many critics consider the conditions in the stars not sufficiently extreme... the stars are not hot enough. The critics lay themselves open to an obvious retort: we tell them to go and find a hotter place  (Hot Quotes) This is a great opportunity for gear heads to celebrate the holiday, show off their hot rods and visit the aquarium  (Hot Quotes) I think no matter what the occasion may be, you can never go wrong by showing up at the dinner table with a hot plate of fried chicken  (Hot Quotes) I just sit here and tell the story as though I can’t help it. There’s always something in the day that reminds me, that sets me off all hot and guilty and scared and rambling and wistful, like I am now  (Hot Quotes) You will find that success in life comes far easier when you maintain a cool head and a warm heart, rather than a hot head and cold feet  (Hot Quotes) When you have a flaming hot donut in your hand and your trying to eat it your not worried about 10 and 2  (Hot Quotes) Listening is the hard part. Listening is the important part. The hot button is in the prospect’s response  (Hot Quotes) A man who is not touched by the earthy lyricism of hot pastrami, the pungent fantasy of corned beef, pickles, frankfurters, the great lusty impertinence of good mustard is a man of stone and without heart  (Hot Quotes) Similarly, I think I’m lucky that I’ve never had a crisis about whether the only reason I’m successful is because I’m crazy hot. It’s not something that crosses my mind  (Hot Quotes) Oh definitely. It’ll be in a hot tub, with my entire head squeezed into a jet. The photos are going to be hilarious. Man, I really hope the internet sticks around so people can reference this article in my obituaries and see that what sounds like a joke was actually amazingly prescient  (Hot Quotes) If one story becomes too hot, then you can’t forget it. As an actor, you want to remain fluid  (Hot Quotes) There is no reader so parochial as the one who reads none but this morning’s books. Books are not rolls, to be devoured only when they are hot and fresh. A good book retains its interior heat and will warm a generation yet unborn  (Hot Quotes) Every girls dream is to have two hot guys having a bit of a barney over you  (Hot Quotes) I have mugs of hot water every morning because the studio is cold, and also because it makes my throat sound clearer  (Hot Quotes) My wife thinks I’m very hot. She tells me that every couple of weeks  (Hot Quotes) There is but one season of the year when salmon should be served hot at a choice repast; that is in the spring and early summer, and even then it is too satisfying, nut sufficiently delicate. The man who gives salmon during the winter, I care not what sauce he serves with it, does an injury to himself and his guests  (Hot Quotes) Briefly, in the act of composition, as an instrument there intervenes and is most potent, fire, flaming, fervid, hot; but in the very substance of the compound there intervenes, as an ingredient, as it is commonly called, as a material principle and as a constituent of the whole compound the material and principle of fire, not fire itself. This I was the first to call phlogiston  (Hot Quotes) It was a hot afternoon and I can still remember the smell of honeysuckle all along the street. How can I have known that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?  (Hot Quotes) The factory farm is... an obvious moral evil so sickening and horrendous... All this so we can have our accustomed veal or lamb or fried chicken or pork chop or hot dog  (Hot Quotes) Mr. Jamrach led me through the lobby and into the menagerie. The first was a parrot room, a fearsome screaming place of mad round eyes, crimson breasts that beat against bars, wings that flapped against their neighbours, blood red, royal blue, gypsy yellow, grass green. The birds were crammed along perches. Macaws hung upside down here and there, batting their white eyes, and small green parrots flittered above our heads in drifts. A hot of cockatoos looked down from on high over the shrill madness, high crested, creamy breasted. The screeching was like laughter in hell  (Hot Quotes)
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