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I don’t know what it is about the shower that generates creative thoughts. Maybe it’s the hot water. Maybe it’s being unencumbered even by the restriction of clothing  (Hot Quotes) It is the fashion to talk of our changing climate and bewail the hot summers and hard winters of tradition, but how seldom we pause to marvel at the remarkable constancy of the weather from year to year  (Hot Quotes) Maybe there wasn’t much hot water in the showers. I’m not sure  (Hot Quotes) Hitting a golf ball correctly is the most sophisticated and complicated maneuver in all of sports, with the possible exception of eating a hot dog at a ball game without getting mustard on your shirt  (Hot Quotes) The media loves nothing more than when there is a racial scandal or something. Racism, bigotry, these are just such hot button issues, and the media loves it  (Hot Quotes) I think when you are a cool guy but also a hot guy, that makes you even more sexy  (Hot Quotes) I think the best way to keep a relationship hot is to simply try to make time for each other. That’s it  (Hot Quotes) Imagine a hot tub for the mind. That is what meditation is; it can bathe your mind in relaxing thoughts  (Hot Quotes) Cold soup is a very tricky thing and it is a rare hostess who can carry it off. More often than not the dinner guest is left with the impression that had he only come a little earlier he could have gotten it while it was still hot  (Hot Quotes) I could eat a feeling faster than anybody, put a little hot sauce on it and wouldn’t recognize it until it showed up on my behind three days later  (Hot Quotes) You could do anything in your room at college. You could smoke pot, live in a coed dorm, have a girl. But you couldn’t have a... hot plate!  (Hot Quotes) Such technological tools... are helping us now in the hot war against terrorists who would bomb this theater if they had the capacity to do so  (Hot Quotes) In our culture, we have smart people and then we have the hot people. And the hot people have all the sex, and the smart people don’t  (Hot Quotes) I was going to sip on a diet soda, but a little voice convinced me I needed the extra calcium from a cup of hot chocolate  (Hot Quotes) I was so embarrassed I could feel my nerves curling like bacon over a hot fire  (Hot Quotes) Borscht is more than a soup, it’s a weather vane. When my family says they want hot borscht I know winter is coming, and when they want cold borscht I know how far can spring be behind?  (Hot Quotes) Ever tried putting a caramel candy in a cup of hot tea? It’s excellent! Not only does it give a little different taste to the tea, but it takes the place of the sugar and cream which you ordinarily add  (Hot Quotes) Nothing is forever in the theatre. Whatever it is, it’s here, it flares up, burns hot, and then it’s gone  (Hot Quotes) Never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. Never miss a good chance to shut up  (Hot Quotes) I always show love to the local record stores because they actually listen to me... They know the songs on my cds. They look like me, straight out the hood. They know whats hot and what is on they shelf  (Hot Quotes) One trick I swear by: I pour a little neroli or lavender oil onto a hot towel and use it to wipe off my makeup. It opens up my pores, and then my face cream sinks in better  (Hot Quotes) I think of myself more as a workhorse actor. It will be hot and cold and up and down, but no one will kick me out of the business  (Hot Quotes) I don’t ever wear makeup. I steam my face. I put hot water to open pores and cold water to close them  (Hot Quotes) Being the hot girl... you wouldn’t want that. It’s overrated. Being sexy is actually really boring to me. I’d rather be... I’d rather be interesting  (Hot Quotes) It’s like an athlete. He has a string of hot years, and then he fades into nothingness. The actor doesn’t necessarily fade into nothingness. After his hot years, he fades into a different category  (Hot Quotes) Righteousness is a fuel that, when it has some pitch in it of ambitious rivalry and the damper’s left open to envy’s draught, makes a hot enough fire to cook somebody’s goose in quite a hurry  (Hot Quotes) My parents made no money whatsoever, but they really knew how to see, as artists. So a big adventure might be, on a hot, dreadful day with no place to go, to go out and draw our chickens with pastels. My parents gave me a sense of wonder  (Hot Quotes) Tonight is not the end of the world. This is our hot tip of the evening  (Hot Quotes) You’re not famous unless people’s mothers know who you are. Everybody else, you think you’re famous, but you’re just hot, and heat cools off  (Hot Quotes) If you feel like you’ve got something to offer you should do it while the iron’s hot  (Hot Quotes)
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