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Hour Quotes

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If you only had an hour to sum your whole life up, would you spend that hour saying that an hour ain’t enough?  (Hour Quotes) It is the mass dream of inverted self, populous with fears overt and secret, that forms the continuous but gossamer thread upon which are strung as phantom beads all civilizations from the remotest past of record to that of the present day and hour  (Hour Quotes) It is not enough to be busy we must be productive. Everyone can account for every hour of the day but that does not mean anything was accomplished of value  (Hour Quotes) A story must be told in such a way that it constitutes help in itself. My grandfather was lame. Once they asked him to tell a story about his teacher. And he related how his teacher used to hop and dance while he prayed. My grandfather rose as he spoke, and he was so swept away by his story that he began to hop and dance to show how the master had done. From that hour he was cured of his lameness. That’s how to tell a story  (Hour Quotes) I can tan quickly. What takes people hours to do, I can tan in half an hour  (Hour Quotes) I would say if you are having a tough time in your life, then going to a club and getting laughs, it does make you feel better for that hour and a half show. It gets your mind off of it  (Hour Quotes) From the law firm’s perspective, billing by the hour has a certain appeal: it shifts risk from the firm to the client in case the work takes longer than expected. But from a client’s perspective, it doesn’t work so well. It gives lawyers an incentive to overstaff and to overresearch cases  (Hour Quotes) The anger and the brutality against everything can readily from one hour to the next be transformed into its opposite  (Hour Quotes) The funny thing about writing is I think a lot of people assume that you’re sitting in a garret with a quill pen for hour after hour  (Hour Quotes) Whether you’re earning $7 an hour or $700,000 a year, it’s very important to protect your credit rating  (Hour Quotes) A large amount of constant activity will get things going. For example, training in the morning will have everything, all the juices flowing by the time you actually get to work. So, when you’re at work, you’ve been already up for an hour or so or two hours, and you’re raring to go where everyone else is still wiping sleep out of their eyes  (Hour Quotes) Does anyone really believe it is possible to make even the most basic ends meet on $5.15 an hour?  (Hour Quotes) I love the first hour of a horror movie, the fear and anticipation. Then, when it gets bloody, I lose interest  (Hour Quotes) And then as I got older, see, I think a lot of times with comics, your life kind of permeates your act. Whatever is happening in your life is what’s going on on stage. So if you’re angry in your life, then that’s going to be on stage. If you’re looking for the guy that’s just going to make you laugh for an hour and forget about, that’s me  (Hour Quotes) I am a marathon worker and marathon mother. I’ll spend three or four days completely swallowed up by work. And if I make it home in time to say good night, I may have one good hour with the girls, maybe a brief family dinner or a family walk with the dog, and then it is back on the computer to prepare for tomorrow’s shows  (Hour Quotes) I like when you watch a film and you feel like you’re a part of somebody’s life for an hour and a half  (Hour Quotes) And you know, I’m so used to going 100 miles an hour in every direction and sleeping you know, two, three hours a night, and that’s the way I live  (Hour Quotes) This veridic nose arrives everywhere a quarter of an hour before its master. Ten shoemakers, good round fat ones too, go and sit down to work under it out of the rain  (Hour Quotes) Everyone has an hour in their day to go and do something for somebody else; I don’t care how busy they are  (Hour Quotes) As part of the process by which you hire me, you hire me. You just don’t hire an hour of me to do a performance  (Hour Quotes) The energy of live theater is indescribable. You are just in the moment for an hour and a half  (Hour Quotes) You can talk to one person for five minutes and be sick afterwards. You can be totally physically drained because their aura is so low. You can talk to someone else for an hour and just feel fine  (Hour Quotes) What these people do here is obviously not working. They sit in their commuter traffic hour after hour. They make the earth a toxic waste dump  (Hour Quotes) I will probably write an hour a day and spend eight hours a day biting my knuckle and worrying about not writing  (Hour Quotes) Sneaking up on it sometimes helps: I’ve found I can be very productive for an hour before dinner, because there obviously isn’t enough time to really do anything, so I can tell myself I’m just screwing around  (Hour Quotes) If you think about movies that are adapted from books, they never feel like enough. There’s always too much cut out in the end. You either make a five hour movie or you leave out stuff that should be in there  (Hour Quotes) I do all of my good thinking at over 65 miles per hour. The speed limit is, luckily, the same speed as my brainstorming speed  (Hour Quotes) Every minute of every hour of every day you are making the world, just as you are making yourself, and you might as well do it with generosity and kindness and style  (Hour Quotes) I cannot speak for more than an hour exclusively about poetry. At that point, life itself takes over again  (Hour Quotes) You can rest a lot in an hour or have a whole day and not do it properly. One way I get a quality recharge is to connect with nature. To experience something that’s bigger than me  (Hour Quotes)
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