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Hour Quotes

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That’s the strange thing about making a record. You can be in one mood for an hour, put it on a record, and you’re remembered that way  (Hour Quotes) What you focus on you become. If you spend an hour or two a day meditating and focusing on light, then you will eventually become light  (Hour Quotes) Just stop it. Seriously. Whatever it is. Just stop it. If only for an hour, a day, a week. Stop doing it long enough to get a glimpse of what the change would actually look like  (Hour Quotes) When in these fresh mornings I go into my garden before anyone is awake, I go for the time being into perfect happiness. In this hour divinely fresh and still, the fair face of every flower salutes me with a silent joy.... All the cares, perplexities, and griefs of existence, all the burdens of life slip from my shoulders and leave me with the heart of a little child that asks nothing beyond the present moment of innocent bliss  (Hour Quotes) If I sleep for more than half an hour, I get horrible dreams in which I’m firing a gun and helicopters are coming down  (Hour Quotes) It’s a job. It’s not a hobby. You don’t write the way you build a model airplane. You have to sit down and work, to schedule your time and stick to it. Even if it’s just for an hour or so each day, you have to get a babysitter and make the time. If you’re going to make writing succeed you have to approach it as a job  (Hour Quotes) If it’s nice out, I swim pretty much every day for about half an hour. I have a great pool; it’s very private and not too many people use it  (Hour Quotes) There have been days when I sought respite from my life, only to find myself calling every hour to check on it  (Hour Quotes) Failure is often that early morning hour of darkness which precedes the dawning of the day of success  (Hour Quotes) Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late. Today, this hour, this minute is the day, the hour, the minute for each of us to sense the fact that life is good, with all of its trials and troubles, and perhaps more interesting because of them  (Hour Quotes) As an exercise in appreciation, try for one hour to feel grateful for every single thing you find yourself doing. When you read, be grateful you can see and read. When you walk, be grateful for the use of your feet. When you talk, be grateful for the ability to communicate with others. For a full hour do not take even the smallest action for granted. Be aware of every detail of what you can do. Anyone who does this daily for even a short time will have a much greater appreciation for everything he does  (Hour Quotes) The love of a dog for his master is notorious; in the agony of death he has been known to caress his master, and everyone has heard of the dog suffering under vivisection, who licked the hand of the operator; this man, unless he had a heart of stone, must have felt remorse to the last hour of his life  (Hour Quotes) First, it must be a pleasure to study the human body the most miraculous masterpiece of nature and to learn about the smallest vessel and the smallest fiber. But second and most important, the medical profession gives the opportunity to alleviate the troubles of the body, to ease the pain, to console a person who is in distress, and to lighten the hour of death of many a sufferer  (Hour Quotes) For every action there is a reaction. Karma can be examined within the structure of an hour, a year, a lifetime, a thousand lifetimes  (Hour Quotes) Not to hope for things to last forever, is what the year teaches and even the hour which snatches a nice day away  (Hour Quotes) Continue to make the demands of the day your immediate concern, and take occasion to test the purity of your hearts and the steadfastness of your spirits. When you then take a deep breath and rise above the cares of this world and in an hour of leisure, you will surely win the proper frame of mind to face devoutly what is above us, with reverence, seeing in all events the manifestation of a higher guidance  (Hour Quotes) The artist who gives up an hour of work for an hour of conversation with a friend knows that he is sacrificing a reality for something that does not exist  (Hour Quotes) Why should it happen that among the great many women whom I see and am fond of, suddenly somebody I meet for half an hour opens the door into poetry?  (Hour Quotes) The house clock, place certain there at the bottom of things, strikes the half hour dry and null. All is so much, all is so deep, all is so dark and cold!  (Hour Quotes) An hour or two of learning from the masters is usually enough to recharge my artistic batteries  (Hour Quotes) I’m thinking of taking a window cleaner’s job to fill the spare hour in the evening  (Hour Quotes) Art is only worth what people will pay for it. Artists do not get paid by the hour  (Hour Quotes) Most people have this perception that you have to be out there running for an hour and a half every day. But you don’t have to give up your career and family to run a marathon  (Hour Quotes) No ordinary work done by a man is either as hard or as responsible as the work of a woman who is bringing up a family of small children; for upon her time and strength demands are made not only every hour of the day but often every hour of the night  (Hour Quotes) More truly characteristic of dissent is a dignity, an elevation, of mood and thought and phrase. Deep conviction and warm feeling are saying their last say with knowledge that the cause is lost. The voice of the majority may be that of force triumphant, content with the plaudits of the hour, and recking little of the morrow. The dissenter speaks to the future, and his voice is pitched to a key that will carry through the years  (Hour Quotes) I used to think that once a writer became a man of letters, if only for a half hour, he was done for. And here I am now, at the very moment of such an odious, though respectable, danger  (Hour Quotes) I wake up fairly early every day, by 8, for sure. Sunday is a lighter writing day than the weekdays, but I still wake up and write for about an hour, beginning right around 8. I definitely have coffee first, and then I start writing. I do think it’s kind of hard to get the right level of concentration without coffee  (Hour Quotes) I’m going to wait til the midnight hour, that’s when my love begins to shine  (Hour Quotes) I’m working 18 hour days and I’m feeling guilty not being able to be there when all those times I want to be mother  (Hour Quotes) The thing no one tells you about surviving, about the mere act of holding out, is how many hours are nothing because nothing happens. They also don’t tell you about how you can share your deepest secrets with someone, kiss them, and the next hour it’s like there’s nothing between you because not everything can mean something all the time or you’d be crushed under the weight of it  (Hour Quotes)
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