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The life of action need not be renounced. If you meditate for an hour or two every day you can then carry on with your duties. If you meditate in the right manner then the current of mind induced will continue to flow even in the midst of your work  (Hour Quotes) When evening quickens in the street, comes a pause in the day’s occupation that is known as the cocktail hour. It marks the lifeward turn. The heart wakens from coma and its dyspnea ends. Its strengthening pulse is to cross over into campground, to believe that the world has not been altogether lost or, if lost, then not altogether in vain  (Hour Quotes) We are complex, and therefore, in our natural state, inconsistent, beings, and the opinion of this hour need not be the opinion of the next  (Hour Quotes) The reveries of the dreamer advance his hopes, but not their realization. One good hour of earnest work is worth them all  (Hour Quotes) If we spent half an hour every day in silent immobility, I am convinced that we should conduct all our affairs, personal, national, and international, far more sanely than we do at present  (Hour Quotes) I’m my happiest when I’m really busy. I love feeling like I need one more hour of sleep, or when I’m running around frazzled!  (Hour Quotes) The mark of genius is consistency. Do we hear of naive genius piano players? If anyone knows of one, try listening to it for an hour  (Hour Quotes) Running long offers a dress rehearsal. Running long teaches the stress of lifting feet 5,000 times per hour. Running long builds confidence  (Hour Quotes) The truest lengthening of life is to live while we live, wasting no time but using every hour for the highest ends. So be it this day  (Hour Quotes) Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent. The art of losing isn’t hard to master  (Hour Quotes) Comics, as good as they might be, they didn’t know much about performance. There aren’t too many comics you could watch for an hour without getting tired. They might have good material, but it’s about theater to me  (Hour Quotes) We feel bound to be punctual and conscientious with those we are indifferent about; while we can afford at any time, on the frostiest night, to be an hour after our appointment with the single gentleman who occupies an apartment in our heart’s core  (Hour Quotes) Who looks upon a river in a meditative hour and is not reminded of the flux of all things?  (Hour Quotes) When I sit with my students and meditate with them, I channel the kundalini directly into them. I bring them to plane after plane of consciousness. What they would do in 100 years of meditation, I can do in an hour with them  (Hour Quotes) A dozen extra steps becomes a tremendous aggravation when you are pushing your edge out hour after hour  (Hour Quotes) Power comes from the navel center. If you meditate for an hour or so a day and you focus on that sphere, you will release a tremendous power that will enter your body. We call it the chi  (Hour Quotes) What’s so great about television. You’re able to tell a long story, where you couldn’t really do that in a film because you have to tell a story in an hour and a half or two hours  (Hour Quotes) A flag doesn’t cause someone to sit in a prayer meeting for an hour, and then stand up and shoot people  (Hour Quotes) I believe that accurate knowledge is very, very important, but find that out in free time. Don’t let it take over every hour of the day. Perhaps most important, talk about it  (Hour Quotes) Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralysing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out  (Hour Quotes) Stop. Breathe. Allow yourself the luxury of doing nothing for a moment, or an hour, or even a day. It is in emptiness that inspiration will appear  (Hour Quotes) Spend at least an hour today giving your fullest gift, whatever that is for today, so that when you go to sleep at night you know you couldn’t have lived your day with more courage, creativity, and giving  (Hour Quotes) Nature has left every man a capacity of being agreeable, though not of shining in company; and there are a hundred men sufficiently qualified for both who, by a very few faults, that they might correct in half an hour, are not so much as tolerable  (Hour Quotes) When the hour comes for dealing with slavery, I trust I will be willing to do my duty though it cost my life  (Hour Quotes) A poet’s mission is to make others confound fiction and reality in order to render them, for an hour, mysteriously happy  (Hour Quotes) Strike when thou wilt, the hour of rest, but let my last days be my best  (Hour Quotes) I am slow. A sentence often takes an hour to compose before I throw it out. What can you do?  (Hour Quotes) There is not the least wit in my nature. I am a very matter of fact, plain spoken being, and may blunder on the borders of a repartee for half an hour together without striking it out  (Hour Quotes) He who finds he has wasted a shilling may by diligence hope to fetch it up again; but no repentance or industry can ever bring back one wasted hour  (Hour Quotes) I await the hour when a journalist can be driven from the press room for venal practices, as a minister can be unfrocked, or a lawyer disbarred  (Hour Quotes)
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