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Hour Quotes

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I need an hour alone before dinner, with a drink, to go over what I’ve done that day. I can’t do it late in the afternoon because I’m too close to it. Also, the drink helps. It removes me from the pages  (Hour Quotes) The trouble is that my heart is loath to be without love even for a single hour.... If you want to keep me forever, then show as much friendship as love, and more than anything else, love me and tell me the truth  (Hour Quotes) Performing music is a way to do comedy, but without the obligation to do a solid hour, hour and half of a standup. I could intersperse it with music, so it became a really good format for me  (Hour Quotes) I love the hour in makeup. It gives you time to think and have a cup of coffee. It’s my favorite part of the day  (Hour Quotes) If you see a theme that you might want to take a photo of, you sort of stand there for an hour waiting for it to resolve, waiting for the geometry of a theme to be exactly what you want them to be. That was my process to get photos  (Hour Quotes) Play is not for every hour of the day, or for any hour taken at random. There is a tide in the affairs of children. Civilization is cruel in sending them to bed at the most stimulating time of dusk  (Hour Quotes) I went through the fields, and sat for an hour afraid to pass a cow. The cow looked at me, and I looked at the cow, and whenever I stirred the cow gave over eating  (Hour Quotes) There are three things I commit to on a daily basis: Exercising for an hour a day, tops. Never skipping meals. And accepting the size and shape I was born with  (Hour Quotes) I have loved and bitterness left me for that hour. But there are times when love itself is bitter  (Hour Quotes) A book, unlike any other friend, will wait, not only upon the hour but upon the mood  (Hour Quotes) Why should we refuse the happiness this hour gives us, because some other hour might take it away?  (Hour Quotes) Alcohol may also persuade us that we have found the truth about life, a comforting experience rarely available in the sober hour  (Hour Quotes) Pity runs its course. An hour comes when no hand but your own can build your future  (Hour Quotes) My mind was clear and penetrating at the time, for it was midnight, the hour at which I am most brave and most free  (Hour Quotes) Now you comprehend your first and final lover / in the dark receding planets of his eyes, / and this is the hour when you know moreover / that the God you have loved always / will descend and lie with you in paradise  (Hour Quotes) Observe a method in the distribution of your time. Every hour will then know its proper employment, and no time will be lost. Idleness will be shut out at every avenue, and with her that numerous body of vices that make up her train  (Hour Quotes) A surefire method of setting up regular communication with your kids is to get a job in an office which discourages personal phone calls. Your kids will then call you every hour on the hour  (Hour Quotes) Days off are few and far between in the restaurant business. But on an hour off, I like to have a glass of wine with my wife  (Hour Quotes) The gym is somewhere you can go to just forget for an hour what you do for a living, what you are doing on a daily basis. You just turn up and get on with it  (Hour Quotes) Naps are the key to relieving stress. When you are working on two hours of sleep, the fact that cheese comes on something when you ordered it with no cheese is enough to send you crying under the covers for an hour  (Hour Quotes) I don’t lose an hour in the morning and expect to make it up in the evening; night is the wrong end of the day to borrow from  (Hour Quotes) Our contempt of wealth does not extend beyond the hour when we can get it in possession  (Hour Quotes) Some makeup you put on and feel like you’re getting pimples by the hour  (Hour Quotes) The thought of killing myself had slowed me down to five miles per hour. The thought of killing someone else stopped me completely  (Hour Quotes) I originally started redoing houses to deal with stress. I found that the hour I could go to a job site every day took my mind off the 24/7 of thinking about my clients  (Hour Quotes) When it comes down to music, I have no balance. I am 100 percent. It is like full throttle. Five hundred miles an hour  (Hour Quotes) I think when I was pretty young I got really into the tone of my instrument and I remember just playing one note for an hour to just kind of feel the resonance of the violin  (Hour Quotes) My drawings have to be quick. If they don’t happen in 20 minutes or a half hour, then they’re no good  (Hour Quotes) I have nothing but admiration for the actors on soap operas. It is unbelievably challenging to put out an hour show in one day  (Hour Quotes) It’s almost impossible to reconcile the realities of how one feels during the day, hour by hour. But I approach things not cynically  (Hour Quotes)
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