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How can I shed tears for a man I should never have allowed to touch me in any way?

How can I shed tears for a man I should never have allowed to touch me in any way? Picture Quote #1

How can I shed tears for a man I should never have allowed to touch me in any way?

In the world of Janet Fitch's novels, such as "White Oleander" and "Paint It Black," the theme of complex relationships and the emotional turmoil that comes with them is a recurring motif. Fitch's characters often find themselves entangled in toxic and destructive relationships, grappling with the aftermath of allowing someone into their lives who should never have been there in the first place.

The question of how one can shed tears for a man who should never have been allowed to touch them in any way speaks to the conflicting emotions that arise when dealing with the aftermath of a harmful relationship. It is a question that many of Fitch's characters struggle with, as they navigate the complexities of love, loss, and betrayal.
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