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How can you eat anything with eyes?

How can you eat anything with eyes? Picture Quote #1

How can you eat anything with eyes?

Will Kellogg, the founder of the Kellogg Company, revolutionized the breakfast industry with his invention of corn flakes. However, despite his success in creating a popular and nutritious cereal, Kellogg was known for his strict dietary beliefs, particularly his aversion to eating foods that had eyes.

Kellogg was a staunch advocate for vegetarianism and believed that consuming meat was not only unhealthy but also morally wrong. He believed that animals were sentient beings and should not be killed for human consumption. This belief extended to all foods that had eyes, including fish, poultry, and even certain fruits and vegetables that resembled eyes.

Kellogg's aversion to eating anything with eyes stemmed from his deep-rooted beliefs in the sanctity of life and the interconnectedness of all living beings. He believed that by consuming foods with eyes, humans were contributing to the cycle of violence and suffering that plagued the world.

Kellogg's dietary restrictions were not just limited to animal products. He also avoided foods that he believed were harmful to the body, such as caffeine, alcohol, and processed sugars. Kellogg was a firm believer in the power of natural, whole foods to promote health and well-being.

Despite his strict dietary beliefs, Kellogg was able to create a successful business empire with the Kellogg Company. His invention of corn flakes revolutionized the breakfast industry and paved the way for a new era of healthy, convenient breakfast options.
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