How many people have damaged their own lives by mistaking enablement for grace?

How many people have damaged their own lives by mistaking enablement for grace?
Donald Miller is a well-known author and speaker who has written extensively on the topics of faith, relationships, and personal growth. One of the recurring themes in his work is the idea of grace and how it can transform lives. However, Miller also warns against mistaking enablement for grace, and how this can ultimately lead to damaging one's own life.Enablement is the act of allowing or encouraging someone to continue in destructive behavior or habits. It can come in many forms, such as giving in to someone's demands, making excuses for their actions, or bailing them out of difficult situations. While enablement may seem like a compassionate response, it can actually prevent the person from facing the consequences of their actions and making positive changes in their life.
Grace, on the other hand, is the unmerited favor and love that God shows to humanity. It is a gift that cannot be earned or deserved, and it has the power to transform lives and bring about healing and redemption. Grace is not about enabling destructive behavior, but about offering forgiveness, hope, and a fresh start.
When people mistake enablement for grace, they may inadvertently enable destructive behavior in themselves or others. For example, a parent who constantly bails their child out of trouble may think they are showing love and grace, but in reality, they are preventing their child from learning important life lessons and taking responsibility for their actions. Similarly, a person who constantly makes excuses for their own bad behavior may think they are being compassionate towards themselves, but in reality, they are hindering their own growth and development.