How our government works... It doesn't

How our government works... It doesn't
Lewis Black, the renowned comedian known for his sharp wit and scathing commentary on politics, has often criticized the dysfunction of the American government. In his stand-up routines and television appearances, Black has hilariously pointed out the absurdity and inefficiency of how our government works, or rather, how it doesn't work.One of Black's favorite targets is the gridlock and partisan bickering that often paralyzes Congress. He has skewered politicians on both sides of the aisle for their inability to compromise and work together for the greater good of the country. Black has likened Congress to a dysfunctional family that can't stop fighting long enough to get anything done. He has joked that the only time Congress seems to agree on anything is when they vote to give themselves a pay raise.
Black has also taken aim at the influence of money in politics, calling out the corrupting power of special interests and lobbyists. He has mocked the absurdity of politicians spending more time fundraising than actually governing, and has pointed out the hypocrisy of politicians who claim to represent the people while being bought and paid for by wealthy donors.