How seek the way which leadeth to our wishes? By renouncing our wishes. The crown of excellence is renunciation

How seek the way which leadeth to our wishes? By renouncing our wishes. The crown of excellence is renunciation
Hafez, the renowned Persian poet of the 14th century, often explored themes of love, spirituality, and the pursuit of inner truth in his works. In his poetry, he frequently delved into the concept of renunciation as a means to achieve one's deepest desires and aspirations. The quote "How seek the way which leadeth to our wishes? By renouncing our wishes. The crown of excellence is renunciation" encapsulates this idea perfectly.In the context of Hafez's poetry, renunciation is not simply about giving up material possessions or desires, but rather about letting go of the ego and surrendering to a higher power or purpose. By renouncing our own selfish desires and attachments, we open ourselves up to a greater sense of fulfillment and enlightenment. This act of renunciation is seen as the ultimate path to achieving excellence and reaching our true wishes and aspirations.
Hafez believed that true happiness and fulfillment could only be found by letting go of our own desires and surrendering to the will of the divine. In renouncing our wishes, we free ourselves from the constraints of the ego and open ourselves up to a deeper connection with the universe. This act of surrender allows us to align ourselves with the natural flow of life and to find peace and contentment in the present moment.
The crown of excellence, according to Hafez, is not found in the accumulation of wealth or power, but in the ability to let go of our own desires and attachments. By renouncing our wishes, we are able to transcend the limitations of the material world and connect with the divine essence that lies within us. This act of renunciation is seen as the highest form of spiritual practice, leading to a state of inner peace and enlightenment.