How shall I teach him hereafter to respect his father, and yet to avoid his example?

How shall I teach him hereafter to respect his father, and yet to avoid his example?
In the novel "Agnes Grey" by Anne Bronte, the protagonist Agnes struggles with the dilemma of how to teach her young charge, Tom Bloomfield, to respect his father while also avoiding his negative example. Tom's father, Mr. Bloomfield, is portrayed as a cruel and selfish man who mistreats his family and neglects his responsibilities. Agnes, as Tom's governess, is tasked with not only educating him academically but also instilling in him moral values and principles.Agnes faces a difficult challenge in trying to teach Tom to respect his father despite his flaws. On one hand, she recognizes the importance of honoring one's parents and showing them respect. However, she also understands that Mr. Bloomfield's behavior is not something to be emulated. Agnes must find a way to navigate this delicate balance and guide Tom in the right direction.
One approach Agnes takes is to lead by example. She demonstrates kindness, compassion, and integrity in her own actions, serving as a positive role model for Tom. By showing him what it means to be a good and moral person, Agnes hopes to inspire him to follow in her footsteps rather than his father's.
Agnes also tries to have open and honest conversations with Tom about his father's behavior. She does not sugarcoat the truth or make excuses for Mr. Bloomfield's actions. Instead, she encourages Tom to think critically and form his own opinions based on what he sees and experiences.
Additionally, Agnes seeks to provide Tom with alternative male role models who embody the qualities she wants him to emulate. She introduces him to kind and honorable men who serve as positive influences and show him a different way of being.
Overall, Agnes faces a challenging task in teaching Tom to respect his father while also avoiding his negative example. Through her own actions, honest conversations, and introduction to positive role models, Agnes strives to guide Tom on the path towards becoming a good and moral person, despite the influence of his father.