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How was I to know idiocy was only a temporary condition, especially in your case? It never has been before!

How was I to know idiocy was only a temporary condition, especially in your case? It never has been before! Picture Quote #1

How was I to know idiocy was only a temporary condition, especially in your case? It never has been before!

In the world of Gail Carriger's novels, filled with supernatural creatures, witty banter, and strong female protagonists, the quote "How was I to know idiocy was only a temporary condition, especially in your case? It never has been before!" could easily be spoken by one of the characters in a moment of exasperation or amusement.

Carriger's characters are often faced with absurd situations and eccentric personalities, leading to moments of frustration and amusement. The quote captures the essence of the humor and wit that permeates Carriger's writing, as well as the dynamic relationships between her characters.
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Gail Carriger Quotes