Howard Staunton Quotes

Text Quotes
The penalty for exceeding the time limit is the forfeiture of the game (Howard Staunton Quotes)
A player is said to have the opposition when he can place his King directly in front of the adverse King, with only one square between them. This is often an important advantage in ending games (Howard Staunton Quotes)
Be cautious of playing your Queen in front of your King and in subjecting yourself to a discovered check. It is better when check is given to your King to interpose a man that attacks the checking Piece than with one that does not (Howard Staunton Quotes)
In Castling, the King must be moved first, or before the Rook is quitted. If the Rook be quitted before the King is touched, the opposing player may demand that the move of the Rook shall stand without the Castling being completed (Howard Staunton Quotes)
The game of chess is the most fascinating and intellectual pastime which the wisdom of antiquity has bequeathed to us. (Howard Staunton Quotes)
When neither party can give checkmate, the game is drawn (Howard Staunton Quotes)
If, during the course of the game, it be discovered that any error or illegality has been committed in the moves of the pieces, the moves must be retraced, and the necessary correction made, without penalty (Howard Staunton Quotes)
After black’s reply to 1.e4 with 1.. e5, leaves him always trying to get into the game (Howard Staunton Quotes)
To play with correctness and skill the ends of games, is an important but a very rare accomplishment, expect among the magnates of the game (Howard Staunton Quotes)
After white’s reply to 1.e4 e5 with 2.f4 the game is in its last throes (Howard Staunton Quotes)
Many persons have been confused and discouraged at the very outset of the study by the great variety and the delicate distinctions of the openings: and this has constituted a fault in many otherwise excellent manuals for the learner (Howard Staunton Quotes)