Howard Zinn Quotes

Text Quotes
The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory (Howard Zinn Quotes)
When you fight a war against a tyrant, who do you kill? You kill the victims of the tyrant (Howard Zinn Quotes)
They didn’t give their lives for their country! their lives were taken from them by their government (Howard Zinn Quotes)
To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness (Howard Zinn Quotes)
If you join a fight for social justice you may win or lose, but just by being part of the struggle, you win, and your life will be better for it (Howard Zinn Quotes)
... We need to assert our allegiance to the human race, and not to any one nation (Howard Zinn Quotes)
War is terrorism... Terrorism is the willingness to kill large numbers of people for some presumably good cause. That’s what terrorists are about (Howard Zinn Quotes)
The rule of law does not do away with the unequal distribution of wealth and power, but reinforces that inequality with the authority of law. It allocates wealth and poverty in such calculated and indirect ways as to leave the victim bewildered (Howard Zinn Quotes)
It is no longer simply the merchant prince, or the aristocratic monopoly, or even the employing class, that is exploiting the world: it is the nation, a new democratic nation composed of united capital and labor (Howard Zinn Quotes)
There is no act too small, no act too bold. The history of social change is the history of millions of actions, small and large, coming together at critical points to create a power that governments cannot suppress (Howard Zinn Quotes)
If what your country is doing seems to you practically and morally wrong, is dissent the highest form of patriotism? (Howard Zinn Quotes)
The historian’s distortion is more than technical, it is ideological; it is released into a world of contending interest, where any chosen emphasis supports some kind of interest, whether economic or political or racial, or national or sexual (Howard Zinn Quotes)
If there is going to be change, real change, it will have to work its way from the bottom up, from the people themselves. That’s how change happens (Howard Zinn Quotes)
The fact that war belongs to the past, does not mean it has to be part of the future (Howard Zinn Quotes)
If racism can’t be shown to be natural then it is the result of certain conditions, and we are impelled to eliminate those conditions (Howard Zinn Quotes)
Civil disobedience is not something outside the realm of democracy. Democracy requires civil disobedience. Without civil disobedience democracy does not exist (Howard Zinn Quotes)
The challenge remains. On the other side are formidable forces: money, political power, the major media. On our side are the people of the world and a power greater than money or weapons: the truth (Howard Zinn Quotes)
To ward off alienation and gloom, it is only necessary to remember the unremembered heroes of the past, and to look around us for the unnoticed heroes of the present (Howard Zinn Quotes)
When we organize with one another, when we get involved, when we stand up and speak out together, we can create a power no government can suppress (Howard Zinn Quotes)
There is civil disobedience against the military machine, protest against police brutality directed especially at people of color (Howard Zinn Quotes)
Very important thing to keep in mind, that when justice comes and when injustices are remedied, they’re not remedied by the initiative of the national government or the politicians. They only respond to the power of social movements (Howard Zinn Quotes)
I wanted to be a part of history and not just a recorder and teacher of history. So that kind of attitude towards history, history itself as a political act, has always informed my writing and my teaching (Howard Zinn Quotes)
The problem in this world is not civil disobedience... th e problem in this world is civil obedience (Howard Zinn Quotes)
If history is to be creative, to anticipate a possible future without denying the past, it should, I believe, emphasize new possibilities by disclosing those hidden episodes of the past when, even if in brief flashes, people showed their ability to resist, to join together, occasionally to win. I am supposing, or perhaps only hoping, that our future may be found in the past’s fugitive movements of compassion rather than in its solid centuries of warfare (Howard Zinn Quotes)
Human beings, whatever their backgrounds, are more open than we think, that their behavior cannot be confidently predicted from their past, that we are all creatures vulnerable to new thoughts, new attitudes. And while such vulnerability creates all sorts of possibilities, both good and bad, its very existence is exciting. It means that no human being should be written off, no change in thinking deemed impossible (Howard Zinn Quotes)
I have come to believe that our lives can be turned in a different direction, our minds adopt a different way of thinking, by some significant, though small event. That belief can be frightening, or exhilarating, depending on whether you just contemplate it or do something with it (Howard Zinn Quotes)
If democracy were to be given any meaning, if it were to go beyond the limits of capitalism and nationalism, this would not come, if history were any guide, from the top. It would come through citizen’s movements, educating, organizing, agitating, striking, boycotting, demonstrating, threatening those in power with disruption of the stability they needed (Howard Zinn Quotes)
Objectivity is impossible and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity (Howard Zinn Quotes)
Where progress has been made, wherever any kind of injustice has been overturned, it’s been because people acted as citizens, and not as politicians. They didn’t just moan. They worked, they acted, they organized, they rioted if necessary to bring their situation to the attention of people in power. And that’s what we have to do today (Howard Zinn Quotes)
Every word you utter to another human being has an effect, but you don’t know it. If people begin to understand that change comes about as a result of a million tiny acts that seem totally insignificant, well then, they wouldn’t hesitate to take those tiny acts (Howard Zinn Quotes)