Human Being Quotes

Text Quotes
... the only other place comparable to these marvelous nether regions, must surely be naked space itself, out far beyond atmosphere, between the stars, where sunlight has no grip upon the dust and rubbish of planetary air, where the blackness of space, the shining planets, comets, suns, and stars must really be closely akin to the world of life as it appears to the eyes of an awed human being, in the open ocean, one half mile down (Human Being Quotes)
I found in rules of mathematics a peace and a trust that I could not place in human beings. This sublimation was total and remained total (Human Being Quotes)
I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color (Human Being Quotes)
Piano playing is more difficult than statesmanship. It is harder to awake emotions in ivory keys than it is in human beings (Human Being Quotes)
I would never sit and write a song in front of anyone, because you’re so vulnerable. I don’t know at what point in the process that it becomes acceptable to pass them on. When a song wants to be written, it will be written. When it does come, I will very rarely go back and edit lyrics. I’m quite a rational human being, and the only part of my life that I can’t rationalise, or can’t make sense of, is how a song gets written or why (Human Being Quotes)
I don’t think they understand it’s as important as math and science. It rounds you out as a person. I think it gives you a love of certain things. You don’t have to become the next great composer. It’s just nice to have heard certain things or to have seen certain things. It’s part of being a human being (Human Being Quotes)
As human beings we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions; to judge people too quickly and to pronounce them failures or heroes without due consideration of the actual facts and ideals of the period (Human Being Quotes)
I must live in my own excrement, breathe in my own poisonous sticky fumes. Yet I am a human being! I still am. Does no one think of that? (Human Being Quotes)
When you write a program, think of it primarily as a work of literature. You’re trying to write something that human beings are going to read. Don’t think of it primarily as something a computer is going to follow. The more effective you are at making your program readable, the more effective it’s going to be: You’ll understand it today, you’ll understand it next week, and your successors who are going to maintain and modify it will understand it (Human Being Quotes)
I regret not getting brutally forthright with human beings a hell of a lot sooner than I did. Civility and obliquity are wasted on people who will not make the effort to be harsher or stricter on their own gooey egos than they are on other people (Human Being Quotes)
Crying, that is, sobbing is the earliest and deepest way to release tension. Infants can cry almost from the moment of birth, and do so easily following every stress that produces a state of tension in the body... Human beings are the only creatures who can react in this way to stress and tension. Most probably, they are the only ones who need this form of release (Human Being Quotes)
What sets human beings apart from animals is not the pursuit of happiness, which occurs all across the natural world, but the pursuit of meaning, which is unique to humans (Human Being Quotes)
To me, I took a militant attitude towards sounds. I wanted sounds to be a metaphor, that they could be as free as a human being might be free. That was my idea about sound. It still is, that they should breathe... not to be used for the vested interest of an idea. I feel that music should have no vested interests, that you shouldn’t know how it’s made, that you shouldn’t know if there’s a system, that you shouldn’t know anything about it... except that it’s some kind of life force that to some degree really changes your life... if you’re into it (Human Being Quotes)
Daughter, I want you to form the most intense, loving relationship with yourself. Only then will you realize your capacity for kindness and emotional expansiveness. Daughter, after you have formed this relationship with yourself, I want you to love others with the openness and humility that you always embodied as a child. Daughter, I want you to forgive easily, laugh loudly and never allow yourself to become the invisible, silent woman that your mother was. Daughter, this is how we soften our hearts and become better human beings (Human Being Quotes)
Wild animals are not meant to be owned, any more than human beings are. Nobody has the right to pass a cougar or a gorilla on from hand to hand (Human Being Quotes)
The source of most human violence and suffering has been a hidden children’s holocaust throughout history, whereby billions of innocent human beings have been routinely murdered, bound, starved, raped, mutilated, battered, and tortured by their parents and other caregivers, so that they grow up as emotionally crippled adults and become vengeful time bombs who periodically restage their early traumas in sacrificial rites called wars (Human Being Quotes)
The arts, it has been said, cannot change the world, but they may change human beings who might change the world (Human Being Quotes)
I have come to believe there is nothing in the lives of human beings more terrifying than war and nothing more important than for those of us who have experienced it to share its awful truth (Human Being Quotes)
A ghost is a human being who has passed out of the physical body, usually in a traumatic state and is not aware usually of his true condition. We are all spirits encased in a physical body. At the time of passing, our spirit body continues into the next dimension. A ghost, on the other hand, due to trauma, is stuck in our physical world and needs to be released to go on (Human Being Quotes)
Photography is thus brought within reach of every human being who desires to preserve a record of what he sees… and enables the fortunate possessor to go back by the light of his own fireside to scenes which would otherwise fade from memory and be lost (Human Being Quotes)
Education is... the invitation to disentangle oneself, for a time, from the urgencies of the here and now and to listen to the conversation in which human beings forever seek to understand themselves (Human Being Quotes)
If you are connected to your own internal being, it is very hard to be screwing and destroying and hurting another human being, because you’ll be feeling what they’re feeling. If you’re separated, it’s not a hard thing to do at all (Human Being Quotes)
For me, philanthropic return on investment is about making the biggest impact possible on fellow human beings, regardless of country, race or religion (Human Being Quotes)
I want my daughters to be respected as human beings; that’s the country I’m fighting for (Human Being Quotes)
The important thing to remember is it’s not about balance; it’s about integration... to really focus on making sure you’re integrating all four aspects of your work, your family, your community and yourself. And it’s not about trying to spend equal amounts of time on everything you do each day on each of these things, but making sure you’re paying attention to all the things that make it up as a whole human being (Human Being Quotes)
A cosmology that admits of only one male God limits women’s capacity to envision their full potential as human beings (Human Being Quotes)
Sex cannot be contained within a definition of physical pleasure, it cannot be understood as merely itself for it has stood for too long as a profound connection between human beings (Human Being Quotes)
Just from being with my grandmother, my maturity escalated. And now I’m in tune to the needs of people. It was a large responsibility, taking care of a human being (Human Being Quotes)
It sounds strange to say it, but you can be in a war zone and have a lot of fun. Even though war is essentially pain on all sides, human beings have the capacity to enjoy themselves. The soldiers are mostly young people, full of enthusiasm and energy, and that’s an exciting thing for an old guy like me (Human Being Quotes)
A hero. You want to be one of those rare human beings who make history, rather than merely watch it flow around them like water around a rock (Human Being Quotes)