Human Beings Quotes

Text Quotes
And also I was brought up to believe that human beings are good, which is why it shocks me to the core when I see human beings behaving badly (Human Beings Quotes)
Learning to write for the theatre is learning to be a human being, because the theatre by its very nature makes you deal with other human beings (Human Beings Quotes)
A poem is a window that hangs between two or more human beings who otherwise live in darkened rooms (Human Beings Quotes)
Nothing so mystical. Human beings hunger for killing, that is all. It only takes a few politicians to stoke division, or a few demagogues encouraging hatred to set your kind upon one another. And then before you know it, you have a whole nation biting on its own tail, going round and round until there is nothing left but the snapping of teeth (Human Beings Quotes)
The more we remember that we are part of the networks as human beings, the more we can act as human beings and not as corporate functions (Human Beings Quotes)
Now we really like to put people in boxes. As men, we do it because we don’t understand characters that aren’t ourselves and we aren’t willing to put ourselves in the skin of those characters and women, I think, terrify us. We tend not to write women as human beings. It’s cartoons we’re making now. And that’s a shame (Human Beings Quotes)
Racism is a disease in society. We’re all equal. I don’t care what their colour is, or religion. Just as long as they’re human beings they’re my buddies (Human Beings Quotes)
Life is a journey one that much better traveled with a companion by our side. Sometimes, we lose our companions along the way and then the journey becomes unbearable. You see, human beings are designed for many things, but loneliness isn’t one of them (Human Beings Quotes)
It seems almost inherent in human beings that when you are thriving for a certain level of spirituality, you tend to reject clothes, and the implied need to hide yourself (Human Beings Quotes)
In my lifetime I have murdered 21 human beings, I have committed thousands of burglaries, robberies, larcenies, arson’s and, last but not least, I have committed sodomy on more than 1,000 male human beings. For all these things I am not in the least bit sorry (Human Beings Quotes)
I believe that nothing can be more abstract, more unreal, than what we actually see. We know that all we can see of the objective world, as human beings, never really exists as we see and understand it. Matter exists, of course, but has no intrinsic meaning of its own, such as the meanings that we attach to it. We can know only that a cup is a cup, that a tree is a tree (Human Beings Quotes)
I believe that animals have been talking to human beings ever since we were all made and put into this world (Human Beings Quotes)
Alone, human beings can feel hunger. Alone, we can feel cold. Alone, we can feel pain. To feel poor, however, is something we do only in comparison to others (Human Beings Quotes)
In searching for a way out of my own troubles, I had found my way into the troubles of others, some long gone, and now I was trying to find my way back out, through their troubles, as if we human beings can ever learn from one another (Human Beings Quotes)
Where we find wrongs done to animals, it is no excuse to say that more important wrongs are done to human beings, and let us concentrate on those. A wrong is a wrong, and often the little ones, when they are shrugged off as nothing, spread and do the gravest harm to ourselves and others (Human Beings Quotes)
The health of a society is truly measured by the quality of its concern and care for the health of its members... The right of every individuals to adequate health care flows from the sanctity of human life and that dignity belongs to all human beings... We believe that health is a fundamental human right which has as its prerequisites social justice and equality and that it should be equally available and accessible to all (Human Beings Quotes)
Enduring and forgiving are two different things. You must not forgive the cruelty of this world. It’s our duty as human beings to be angry at injustice. But we must also endure it. Because someone must sever this chain of hatred (Human Beings Quotes)
In writing... remember that the biggest stories are not written about wars, or about politics, or even murders. The biggest stories are written about the things which draw human beings closer together (Human Beings Quotes)
We each deal with childhood in different ways. That brothers and sisters can take the same lump of clay that is childhood and use it to shape themselves into unique human beings is a miracle in itself. Despite individual struggles, triumphs, joys and disappointments, someone is made of the same stuff and has been at your side, whether figuratively or literally, from the beginning. Use our brother and sister quote collection to explore this truth and gain compassionate understanding for yourself and your siblings (Human Beings Quotes)
We will learn that computers, amazing as they are, still cannot come close to being as effective as human beings. A computer isn’t creative on its own because it is programmed to behave in a predictable way. Creativity comes from looking for the unexpected and stepping outside your own experience. Computers simply cannot do that (Human Beings Quotes)
There’s a very simple reason for focusing on the nuclear issue. Many, many issues are of supreme importance in one way or another, but if we blow ourselves up with nuclear weapons, no other issue is really going to matter. Quite possibly there would be no other human beings left to be concerned about anything else (Human Beings Quotes)
Our nuclear free status is a statement of our belief that we and our fellow human beings can build the institutions which will one day allow us all to renounce the weapons of mass destruction. We are a small country and what we can do is limited. But in this as in every other great issue, we have to start somewhere (Human Beings Quotes)
I think that nonviolence is one way of saying that there are other ways to solve problems, not only through weapons and war. Nonviolence also means the recognition that the person on one side of the trench and the person on the other side of the trench are both human beings, with the same faculties. At some point they have to begin to understand one another (Human Beings Quotes)
Elimination of nuclear weapons, so naive, so simplistic, and so idealistic as to be quixotic? Some may think so. But as human beings, citizens of nations with power to influence events in the world, can we be at peace with ourselves if we strive for less? I think not (Human Beings Quotes)
There can be no lasting peace, no security, nor can we as human beings begin to touch our full potential, as long as hunger overwhelms the human spirit around this planet (Human Beings Quotes)
Play is the way that human beings learn about the world. That’s how we discover how things work (Human Beings Quotes)
Learning is a deep human need, like mating and eating, and like all such needs it is meant to be deeply pleasurable to human beings (Human Beings Quotes)
The way I portrayed the people is accurate. Because they’re human beings and we have a kind of wonderful capacity to be absurd and ridiculous (Human Beings Quotes)
One the one hand, our economists treat human beings as rational actors making choices to maximize their own economic benefit. On the other hand, the same companies that hire those economists also pay for advertising campaigns that use the raw materials of myth and magic to encourage people to act against their own best interests, whether it’s a matter of buying overpriced fizzy sugar water or the much more serious matter of continuing to support the unthinking pursuit of business as usual in the teeth of approaching disaster (Human Beings Quotes)
Science, at its core, is simply a method of practical logic that tests hypotheses against experience. Scientism, by contrast, is the worldview and value system that insists that the questions the scientific method can answer are the most important questions human beings can ask, and that the picture of the world yielded by science is a better approximation to reality than any other (Human Beings Quotes)