Human History Quotes

Text Quotes
People are aware that they cannot continue in the same old way but are immobilized because they cannot imagine an alternative. We need a vision that recognizes that we are at one of the great turning points in human history when the survival of our planet and the restoration of our humanity require a great sea change in our ecological, economic, political, and spiritual values (Human History Quotes)
The notion of representing a sound by a graphic symbol is itself so stupefying a leap of the imagination that what is remarkable is not so much that it happened relatively late in human history, but that it happened at all (Human History Quotes)
Human history, like all great movements, was cyclical, and returned to the point of beginning. The idea of indefinite progress in a right line was a chimera of the imagination, with no analogue in nature. The parabola of a comet was perhaps a yet better illustration of the career of humanity. Tending upward and sunward from the aphelion of barbarism, the race attained the perihelion of civilization only to plunge downward once more to its nether goal in the regions of chaos (Human History Quotes)
Is the warming unprecedented? Probably not. There is abundant historical and proxy evidence for both hotter and cooler periods in human history. Is it our fault? Again, maybe. The correlation of increasing warmth with increasing carbon dioxide concentrations is particularly weak; that with solar energy and with ocean movements is much stronger (Human History Quotes)
The course of human history is determined, not by what happens in the skies, but what takes place in our hearts (Human History Quotes)
Extending over more than a century and including most nations of the globe, the cause of woman suffrage has been one of the great democratic forces in human history (Human History Quotes)
Humanitarianism needs no apology. Unless we... feel it toward all men without exception, we shall have lost the chief redeeming force in human history (Human History Quotes)
It is our misfortune, as a historical generation, to live through the largest expansion in expressive capability in human history, a misfortune because abundance breaks more things than scarcity (Human History Quotes)
Anxiety is the essential condition of intellectual and artistic creation and everything that is finest in human history (Human History Quotes)
When the survival strategy of a civilization is invalidated, in all of human history none have ever turned back from the brink (Human History Quotes)
Throughout the 20th century, we created wealth through vertically integrated corporations. Now, we create wealth through networks. We are at a turning point in human history, where the industrial age has finally run out of gas (Human History Quotes)
To fail to properly contextualize content has historically been the basis for the slaughter of millions of people in every century throughout human history. To ignore context is the greatest source of catastrophe for every generation of man, and it continutes on in the present time with the same catastrophic consequences. There is no greater lesson that needs to be learned to reduce human suffering and bring ignorance to an end (Human History Quotes)
It is a stark and arresting fact that, since the middle of the 20th century, humankind has consumed more natural resources than in all previous human history (Human History Quotes)
No history is mute. No matter how much they own it, break it, and lie about it, human history refuses to shut its mouth. Despite deafness and ignorance, the time that was continues to tick inside the time that is (Human History Quotes)
I’m not the first person to have discovered evidence that consciousness exists beyond the body. Brief, wonderful glimpses of this realm are as old as human history (Human History Quotes)
Since the middle of the 20th century, more has been learnt about the ocean than during all preceding human history; at the same time, more has been lost (Human History Quotes)
There is a case for saying that the creation of new aesthetic forms has been the most fundamentally productive of all forms of human activity. Whoever creates new artistic conventions has found methods of interchange between people about matters which were incommunicable before. The capacity to do this has been the basis of the whole of human history (Human History Quotes)
Throughout human history, our greatest leaders and thinkers have used the power of words to transform our emotions, to enlist us in their causes, and to shape the course of destiny. Words can not only create emotions, they create actions. And from our actions flow the results of our lives (Human History Quotes)
We are entering a period of human history that may provide an answer to the question of whether it is better to be smart than stupid (Human History Quotes)
The only real distinction at this dangerous moment in human history and cosmic development has nothing to do with medals and ribbons. Not to fall asleep is distinguished. Everything else is mere popcorn (Human History Quotes)
It is a curious paradox of human history that a doctrine that tells human beings to regard themselves as sacrificial animals has been accepted as a doctrine representing benevolence and love for mankind (Human History Quotes)
I... believe the study of human history remains important and should not be banned. We should ensure that any archaeological studies are conducted with sensitivity and respect. Reburying relics, in my view, does not help anyone go anywhere (Human History Quotes)
Now, more than any time previous in human history, we must arm ourselves with an ethical code so that each of us will be aware that he is protecting the moral merchandise absent of which life is not worth living (Human History Quotes)
Embellishment is an irresistible and consuming impulse, going back to the beginnings of human history.... Probably the strongest motivating force is the simplest: the inability of almost everyone to ever leave well enough alone (Human History Quotes)
It’s horrifying and absurd to think that there are currently more slaves on earth than at any other time in human history (Human History Quotes)
Throughout human history people have scarred, painted, pierced, padded, stiffened, plucked, and buffed their bodies in the name of beauty (Human History Quotes)
America is the greatest nation ever founded. The ideals are the greatest ever espoused in human history, and we just need the country to live up to them. But what I worry about are the 1 million black men in the prison system (Human History Quotes)
Destiny is something not be to desired and not to be avoided. a mystery not contrary to reason, for it implies that the world, and the course of human history, have meaning (Human History Quotes)
You look at the greatest villains in human history, the fascists, the autocrats, they all wanted people to kneel before them because they don’t love themselves enough (Human History Quotes)
Human history begins with man’s act of disobedience which is at the very same time the beginning of his freedom and development of his reason (Human History Quotes)