Human Race Quotes

Text Quotes
We must learn to cast off our anxieties because we have so many of them. The world destroys spiritual life by generating constant anxiety. Jesus said that the life of the gospel is choked out by the cares of this world. We know this to be true yet we are more chained and tethered to the world than ever before in the human race (Human Race Quotes)
What’s important is how we use our time on this earth, not how conspicuously we give our money away. What’s important is the energy and courage we are willing to expend reversing entropy, battling cynicism, suffering and challenging mediocre minds, staring down those who would trample our dreams, taking a stand for magic, and advancing the potential of the human race (Human Race Quotes)
People don’t really want to know the truth. The truth is that you are all dead in the future, everything that you do has no point, and all of the achievements of the human race are meaningless (Human Race Quotes)
God’s great cosmic joke on the human race was requiring that men and women live together in marriage (Human Race Quotes)
The arrogance of race prejudice is an arrogance which defies what is scientifically known of human races (Human Race Quotes)
The human spirit can be indomitable and it is this rare quality that is not at all to be expected that makes survivors of us all, the human race in the grand scheme of things (Human Race Quotes)
Somebody has to be prepared to be the good guy from time to time in order for the human race to prosper, though most people don’t want it to be them (Human Race Quotes)
Chastity is a monkish and evangelical superstition, a greater foe to natural temperance even than unintellectual sensuality; it strikes at the root of all domestic happiness, and consigns more than half of the human race to misery (Human Race Quotes)
We cannot enter the realm of the heart where one gender, representing half of the human race, is subordinated, suppressed, or forgotten. In fact, such a system negatively affects both men and women, holding us all back from true integration, collaboration, and union (Human Race Quotes)
The time has come to stop beating our heads against stone walls under the illusion that we have been appointed policeman to the human race (Human Race Quotes)
The human race may be divided into people who love cats and people who hate them; the neutrals being few in numbers, and, for intellectual and moral reasons, not worth considering (Human Race Quotes)
There’s so much to say, the human race will be extinct long before everything which could be said has been said (Human Race Quotes)
The moment man cuts himself off from living connection with the human race and its needs, he begins to die from poor circulation (Human Race Quotes)
Invention, using the term most broadly, and imitation, are the two legs, so to call them, on which the human race historically has walked (Human Race Quotes)
I wish that I could say I was optimistic about the human race. I love us all, but we are so stupid and shortsighted that I wonder if we can lift our eyes to the world about us long enough not to commit suicide (Human Race Quotes)
Anybody who knows something about the history of the human race knows that there is no civilization which has condoned homosexual marriage widely and openly that has long survived (Human Race Quotes)
Here, I thought, I had found the human race in its final stages of decadence perverse, insouciant, without ambition. And I could not blame them. After all, they had no future (Human Race Quotes)
Pessimism is carefully cultivated in some intellectual circles, as if it were a precious plant that the human race could not afford to lose (Human Race Quotes)
We are the climactic generation of human cultural evolution, and in the microcosm of our lives the macrocosm of the evolution of the human race is playing itself out (Human Race Quotes)
As long as the human race is able to concern itself with more than mere survival, soccer will have its place (Human Race Quotes)
Political rule is so natural and necessary to the human race that it cannot be withdrawn without destroying nature itself; for the nature of man is such that he is a social animal (Human Race Quotes)
In recent times, modern science has developed to give mankind, for the first time in the history of the human race, a way of securing a more abundant life which does not simply consist in taking away from someone else (Human Race Quotes)
To reduce man to the duties of his own city, and to disengage him from duties to the members of other cities, is to break the universal society of the human race (Human Race Quotes)
They’re us!They’ve repopulated the world, and now they’ve achieved the same state of idiocy they were in before, ready to blow themselves up all over again. Great, isn’t it? That’s the human race! (Human Race Quotes)
Running is a simple, primitive act, and therein lays its power. For it is one of the few commonalities left between us as a human race (Human Race Quotes)
Among environmentalists sharing two or three beers, the notion is quite common that if only some calamity could wipe out the entire human race, other species might once again have a chance (Human Race Quotes)
Christianity has been cruel in much to the human race. It has quenched much of the sweet joy and gladness of life; it has caused the natural passions and affections of it to be held as sins (Human Race Quotes)
I think that the human race does command its own destiny and that that destiny can eventually embrace the stars (Human Race Quotes)
The very thing about people that makes the human race interesting is also the thing that makes it so hard to get anything done without the most horrible confusions: no two people think exactly the same way about anything (Human Race Quotes)
We have built into the constitution of the human race the habit and desire of taking, as divorced from its natural precursor and concomitant of making (Human Race Quotes)