Humanity Quotes

Text Quotes
Religions have become a hindrance, rather than a help, to our shared pursuit of peace and progress. They tend to make us meaner rather than better human beings, less sensitive to the demands of justice, compassion and fellow humanity in our times (Humanity Quotes)
Let us today seek to find that place within each of us where dreams are made, where our highest aspirations take shape. Let us confirm the power of our humanity by giving architecture and substance to the dreams we have for our nation, so that the promised land of social and economic justice that is within our dreams will soon be within our sight (Humanity Quotes)
Meditation on the majestic energyof the universe should increase our love for humanity, should widen, not narrow, our hearts (Humanity Quotes)
Most of us have lost that sense of unity of biosphere and humanity which would bind and reassure us all with an affirmation of beauty. Most of us do not today believe that whatever the ups and down of detail within our limited experience, the larger whole is primarily beautiful (Humanity Quotes)
The object of leadership may be stated as having a system whereby a leader recognizes what is good for the good of the government, for the good of the nation, for the good of humanity, and recognizes the qualities he has and what he can do within his own limitations. He cannot do, and should not attempt to do, the impossible, but he should not fail to attempt something that might be extremely difficult and may be possible (Humanity Quotes)
The maltreatment of the natural world and its impoverishment leads to the impoverishment of the human soul. It is related to the outburst of violence in human society. To save the natural world today means to save what is human in humanity (Humanity Quotes)
The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world (Humanity Quotes)
The day hunger disappears, the world will see the greatest spiritual explosion humanity has ever seen (Humanity Quotes)
The right of an individual to refuse to kill, to torture, or to participate in the preparation for the nuclear destruction of humanity seems to me to be fundamental (Humanity Quotes)
The first world is going to have to account for this sort of horrible poverty in our midst. We have to, first of all, become aware of it. We have to take responsibility for it. And then we have to do something about it for our own freedom, for our own salvation, for our own humanity (Humanity Quotes)
In human history there has been a continuous and growing impulse toward the regeneration and transformation of humanity (Humanity Quotes)
It is not simply that we share with each other a common humanity, but that individually we have no humanity without each other (Humanity Quotes)
The earth has enough knowledge and resources to eradicate this ancient scourge. Hunger has plagued the world for thousands of years. But ending it is a greater moral imperative now than ever before, because for the first time humanity has the instruments at hand to defeat this cruel enemy at a very reasonable cost. We have the ability to provide food for all within the next three decades (Humanity Quotes)
What’s impossible to all humanity may be possible to the metaphysics and physiology of angels (Humanity Quotes)
The love of violence is an aspect of our humanity. Even the weak wish to be strong primarily so they can wield the whip (Humanity Quotes)
Humanity stands... before a great problem of finding new raw materials and new sources of energy that shall never become exhausted. In the meantime we must not waste what we have, but must leave as much as possible for coming generations (Humanity Quotes)
The civilized man has a moral obligation to be skeptical... Any man who for one moment abandons or suspends the questioning spirit has for that moment betrayed humanity (Humanity Quotes)
Life beats down and crushes our souls and theatre reminds us that we have one. At least the type of theatre that I’m interested in; that is, theatre that moves an audience. You have the opportunity to literally impact the lives of people if they work on material that has integrity. But today, most actors simply want to be famous. Well, being an actor was never supposed to be about fame and money. Being an actor is a religious calling because you’ve been given the ability, the gift to inspire humanity. Think about that on the way to your soap opera audition (Humanity Quotes)
Mystical experience of nature can be of particular relevance to our troubled age, bringing deeper into our consciousness and emotions the logic that nature sustains humanity as humanity must, in turn, sustain nature. Rationality alone, however, cannot be our guide in the task of restoring our environment. A spiritual connection to nature must inspire the emotional commitment that is the yin, complementing the yang of intellectual understanding (Humanity Quotes)
I think it’s fascinating that there’s a whole holiday dedicated to things that we fear and that’s so interesting about the nature of humanity (Humanity Quotes)
By the year 2000, such renewable energy sources could provide 40 percent of the global energy budget; by 2025, humanity could obtain 75 percent of its energy from solar resources (Humanity Quotes)
As we take stock on the morrow of victory, we shall find that nothing of real value to the human race has been destroyed. Our dead heroes will have won immortality. Civilisation will have gained new vitality. Humanity will have entered upon a richer heritage (Humanity Quotes)
It’s about reacting to what you see, hopefully without preconception. You can find pictures anywhere. It’s simply a matter of noticing things and organising them. You just have to care about what’s around you and have a concern with humanity and the human comedy (Humanity Quotes)
Humanity cannot afford to acknowledge all of the blood that it spills and the destruction it inflicts on the world in its effort to perpetuate itself. Desacralization is a process that allows us to sever any relationship we might feel to other living things. By draining the aliveness out of things, we can pretend that our control and manipulation are of little consequence. Man the trapper becomes man the taxidermist, disemboweling nature of its spontaneity and movement, and stuffing it with a leaden inanimateness (Humanity Quotes)
We should not give up and say that the situation is hopeless. There is still our conscience, there is still the memory of the victims of this war, there is still our duty to try and prevent further bloodshed. We have to prosecute all the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity (Humanity Quotes)
Agrofuel is a crime against humanity and I believe there should be a moratorium put in place until there is some way to eradicate the many problems it creates (Humanity Quotes)
Do you think it’s possible to change something in humanity, not risking? If someone tries to change something and is not risking, it probably means he’s not changing anything (Humanity Quotes)
You tend to write as you get older about family love more than you write about romantic love or ooh baby... The stuff that you want to celebrate about humanity has always been there and probably always will be (Humanity Quotes)
The struggle we’re dealing with these days, which, I think, is part of what the 60s represented, is how do we define our humanity? (Humanity Quotes)
People are aware that they cannot continue in the same old way but are immobilized because they cannot imagine an alternative. We need a vision that recognizes that we are at one of the great turning points in human history when the survival of our planet and the restoration of our humanity require a great sea change in our ecological, economic, political, and spiritual values (Humanity Quotes)