Humans Quotes

Text Quotes
Humans are designed to be with other humans, even those with mixed blood. They need each other’s laughter. They require each other’s sorrows (Humans Quotes)
That did it. I’d gone through a lot in the past few days. Everyone I met seemed to want a piece of me: djinn, magicians, humans... it made no difference.I’d been summoned, manhandled, shot at, captured, constricted, bossed about and generally taken for granted. And now, to cap it all, this bloke is joining in too, when all I’d been doing was quietly trying to kill him (Humans Quotes)
Humans make the mistake of believing that it is their right to survive. Species die out on this planet all the time without anyone noticing. The planet will still be there, and we must lose this attitude of divine right, that something will save us (Humans Quotes)
The only noise now was the rain, pattering softly with the magnificent indifference of nature for the tangled passions of humans (Humans Quotes)
How to explain to the earth that it was more functional as a vegetable patch than a flower garden, just as factories were more functional than schools and boys were more functional as weapons than as humans (Humans Quotes)
Forgiveness flounders because I exclude the enemy from the community of humans and myself from the community of sinners (Humans Quotes)
It is the way, isn’t it? With humans and free thought. They only learn through terrible mistakes. Free thought does not make wisdom. Instead it creates enough space for men to commit terrible folly, from which the survivors learn through disaster (Humans Quotes)
Humans generally get out the gist of what they need to say right at the beginning, then spend forever qualifying, contradicting, burnishing or taking important things back. Yor rareley miss anything by cutting most people off after two sentences (Humans Quotes)
Only humans think death is evil. But it is nature. Evil exist’s only in life. There is much good and evil alloted to each life (Humans Quotes)
Humans impart meaning and purpose to almost all aspects of life. This sense of meaning and purpose gives us a road map for how to live a good life. This guidance emerges spontaneously from the interactions of human beings living in societies and thinking together about how best to get along. It doesn’t require a God or sacred text (Humans Quotes)
My weirdness aside, if I am to find any friends, particularly a girlfriend, she will almost certainly have to be a human. My previous track record tends to suggest that of all species that exist on the planet, it has so far been exclusively humans to whom I find myself sexually attracted. This is a good thing legally if nothing else (Humans Quotes)
One of the less attractive aspects of human nature is our tendency to hate the people we haven’t treated very well; it’s much easier than accepting guilt. If we can convince ourselves that the people we betrayed or enslaved were subhuman monsters in the first place, then our guilt isn’t nearly so black as we secretly know that it is. Humans are very, very good at shifting blame and avoiding guilt (Humans Quotes)
Our mission as humans is not only to discover our fullest selves in the technium, and to find full contentment, but to expand the possibilities for others. Greater technology will selfishly unleash our talents, but it will also unselfishly unleash others: our children, and all children to come (Humans Quotes)
I wanted to know how humans came up with a view of the world that had so little magic in it. I needed to understand how they convinced themselves that magic wasn’t important (Humans Quotes)
No matter what race we are, what ethnic background, sexual orientation, or what views we may have, we are all human. Unfortunately, not all humans see it that way (Humans Quotes)
I don’t know what I am thinking. But I am alone. I am trapped in the net of the room. In the net of humans. I think maybe I am drowning in the net of humans (Humans Quotes)
This is a classic story of the friendship between humans and cats. Yes. I got in a lie right from the start! (Humans Quotes)
Humans aren’t defined by death, and they’re not defined by what they lack. They’re defined by their connections (Humans Quotes)
Humans have various ways of coping with extended stress, and one is the anticipation of a better time. Here, as with retribution, there is often a kind of symmetry: the more intense the stress and the more hopeless the situation, the more fabulous the coming times that are anticipated (Humans Quotes)
Resignation is what kills people. Once they’ve rejected resignation, humans gain the privilege of making humanity their footpath (Humans Quotes)
I’d like to think humans have a stronger sense of justice than the random forces of nature do (Humans Quotes)
We humans are destined to live with our feet on the earth and our heads in the heavens, and we can never be at peace because we are pulled both ways (Humans Quotes)
Where humans are concerned, the only emotion that made sense was wonder, at their ability to endure (Humans Quotes)
It is a misconception to think that during evolution humans sacrificed physical skill in exchange for intelligence: wielding one’s body is a mental activity (Humans Quotes)
Greed may not be good, but it’s not so bad either. You humans think greed is just for money or power, but everyone wants something they can’t have (Humans Quotes)
Desperately struggling, kicking down other people. Stealing the stolen, while repeating your reasons over and over. And even so, you aim for the horizon over the hills. That’s why humans are so interesting (Humans Quotes)
What humans want most of all, is to be right. Even if we’re being right about our own doom. If we believe there are monsters around the next corner ready to tear us apart, we would literally prefer to be right about the monsters, than to be shown to be wrong in the eyes of others and made to look foolish (Humans Quotes)
Humans waste words. They toss them like banana peels and leave them to rot. Everyone knows the peels are the best part (Humans Quotes)
Togetherness has to do with focused attention. It is giving someone your undivided attention. As humans, we have a fundamental desire to connect with others. We may be in the presence of people all day long, but we do not always feel connected (Humans Quotes)
One problem with people is that as soon as they fill a space it’s them you see and not the space. Large, desolate landscapes stop being large, desolate landscapes once they have people in them. They define what the eye sees. And the human eye is almost always directed at other humans. In this way an illusion is created that humans are more important than those things on earth which are not human. It’s a sick illusion (Humans Quotes)