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Humans Quotes

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Art is a form of intelligence, it can be developed, it’s linked to intuition and it’s something that all humans have  (Humans Quotes) Evolution is one of the most powerful and important ideas ever developed in the history of science. Every question it raises leads to new answers, new discoveries, and new smarter questions. The science of evolution is as expansive as nature itself. It is also the most meaningful creation story that humans have ever found  (Humans Quotes) Since humans first huddled around campfires, stories have been told of wild horses with wind in their manes, fire in their eyes and freedom in their hearts. Those horses eluded capture, and scorned the comforts of civilization. Americans have insisted they want their wild horses to live that way, forever  (Humans Quotes) Humans feel deeply the suffering of their friends and allies and easily discount/dismiss the comparable experience of their enemies  (Humans Quotes) A log cabin symbolized the embrace between civilization and nature, humans literally wrapping the trees around them as they might draw on a coat and hat  (Humans Quotes) Is it only humans that look up with wonder at the stars and the vastness of the universe?  (Humans Quotes) It is possible for the devil to inhabit animals the same way he inhabits humans and that causes a sin of lust  (Humans Quotes) Machines will never be able to give the thinking process a model of thought itself, since machines are not mortal. What gives humans access to the symbolic domain of value and meaning is the fact that we die  (Humans Quotes) For goodness sake, will they hear, will white people hear what we are trying to say? Please, all we are asking you to do is to recognize that we are humans, too  (Humans Quotes) Humans will always tell you the story. Dogs can only tell you the truth. Trust your instincts and listen your dog  (Humans Quotes) There’s no reason to drink cow’s milk at any time in your life. It was designed for calves, not humans, and we should all stop drinking it today  (Humans Quotes) There is something in the human psyche that there is a connection between horses and humans, a real special kind of a thing, and I guess it’s always been there. I hope it will always be there, I hope we don’t evolve past that  (Humans Quotes) I can watch endless humans get killed, but if I see a movie and they kill a dog, I practically want to walk out  (Humans Quotes) Novels–and memoirs–are perhaps the most comprehensive reports humans can deliver, of their private experiences, to other humans. In these terms there is only one kind of novel: a human attempt to transfer or convey some part or version of their world of noumenon to another’s world of noumenon  (Humans Quotes) Music’s the best thing we do as humans, isn’t it? Music, I mean you flail your limbs, make you move in a way you don’t understand. Or it can make you weep like a sailor’s wife staring at a storm  (Humans Quotes) Nothing in our politics is any longer driven or designed by individual humans who have a name and a face; we have sunk from theism into impersonal and depersonalizing deism, a scheme of rule by alien and implacable abstract metaphysical forces  (Humans Quotes) A medical profession founded on callousness to the pain of the other animals may eventually destroy its own sensibility to the pain of humans  (Humans Quotes) What sets human beings apart from animals is not the pursuit of happiness, which occurs all across the natural world, but the pursuit of meaning, which is unique to humans  (Humans Quotes) If we’re going to reach a broader audience, we have to stop thinking about that audience strictly in terms of teenage boys or even teenage girls. We need to think about things that are relevant to normal humans and not just the geeks we used to be  (Humans Quotes) Humans were made to work in sweet to earn a living. Those that try to get rich or live at the expense of others all get divine retribution somewhere along the line. That’s the lesson. unfortunately we forget the lessons quickly and then we have to learn them all over again  (Humans Quotes) I have never met a dog I couldn’t help; however, I have met humans who weren’t willing to change  (Humans Quotes) Humans, we just hop out of things, off things. We splatter ourselves in inappropriate places. Because we have nothing to live for. Because we want to destroy what we can. Because we want to be something we can’t. Because we don’t really believe we can die  (Humans Quotes) Humans want to create lots of cool stuff, then they want to see other people using that stuff. A lot  (Humans Quotes) I gravitate towards places where humans have been and are no more, to the edge of man’s influence, where the elements are taking over or covering man’s traces  (Humans Quotes) I don’t think humans are meant to be looked at when we’re buying pants  (Humans Quotes) Literacy is the tool we use as humans to find one another, so it must belong to everyone  (Humans Quotes) The saxophone is so human. Its tendency is to be rowdy, edgy, talk too loud, bump into people, say the wrong words at the wrong time, but then, you take a breath all the way from the center of the earth and blow. All that heartache is forgiven. All that love we humans carry makes a sweet, deep sound and we fly a little  (Humans Quotes) Humans are built for endurance, not speed. We’re awful sprinters compared to every other animal. We try to run our races as if they were speed races, but they are not. They’re endurance races. Even a marathon, the way it’s run now, it’s not an endurance contest  (Humans Quotes) It is possible that a scientific discovery will be made that humans will later regret because it has awful consequences. The problem is, we probably would not know in advance and, once the discovery is made, it cannot be undiscovered  (Humans Quotes) Whereas all humans have approximately the same life expectancy the life expectancy of stars varies as much as from that of a butterfly to that of an elephant  (Humans Quotes)
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