Humans Quotes

Text Quotes
There is the possibility that humankind can outgrow its infantile tendencies, as I suggested in Childhood’s End. But it is amazing how childishly gullible humans are (Humans Quotes)
Many researchers do feel that humankind may have to face another Great Cleansing, such as the Great Flood of world mythology. Again, numerous UFO contactees and abductees feel that it is their mission to alert their fellow humans that some kind of apocalypse will soon be visited upon Earth (Humans Quotes)
I always choose to look, as much as one can, at the supernatural not being something that exists outside of nature, but a deeper, fundamental heart of nature that perhaps humans... have lost touch with. It’s a more primal thing than perhaps we are attuned to in our modern, self-aware way of life (Humans Quotes)
I certainly believe that what we perceive as humans is just the tip of the iceberg. I don’t necessarily believe in vampires or werewolves or that kind of thing, but I believe there is definitely a realm we don’t necessarily have access to (Humans Quotes)
I want to know what changed in fully modern humans, compared with Neanderthals, that made a difference. What made it possible for us to build up these enormous societies, and spread around the globe, and develop the technology that I think no one can doubt is unique to humans (Humans Quotes)
The bodies we have are not made for extended use. We must cope with accumulated DNA damage, cell damage, muscle atrophy, bone loss, decreased muscle mass, and joints worn out from overuse during a lifetime of bipedal locomotion. It might have worked great for prehistoric humans, but it wreaks havoc on our knees and hips (Humans Quotes)
There’s a sense that, on a certain day, you want to destroy everything, even the ones you love. Humans are weird like that. You build an empire and you hate it as soon as it’s done. That’s because we’re never satisfied (Humans Quotes)
There are unprecedented numbers of movements for human rights and freedoms. But the dominant worldviews in academia, like materialism and naturalism, deny the reality of freedom, reducing humans to robots. So where does the concept of human rights come from? (Humans Quotes)
Humans who see something different than them want to hate it and tear it down. Britain had a government policy that allowed prejudice to destroy someone’s life, and today there is still homophobia at home and elsewhere, like Russia or Greece. It’s still a relevant discussion. While women have it better than the 1940s or 50s, sexism is still prevalent (Humans Quotes)
There is no differentiation between all living things: trees, river, animals, and humans. We are all one interdependent organism, so our focus may seem broad but each element interacts with the other. We have so many phenomenal eyes, skills, and hands on deck. It’s mind-blowingly exciting (Humans Quotes)
I think that fact alone levels everything. Slapstick amazes me, the folly of humans today, the Ponzi schemes, giving birth to eight babies at once, it’s amazing... And I know, it’s horrible to have your money stolen and all that, but those are amazing stories (Humans Quotes)
Human population growth is a problem in that most humans consume more than they need. The Earth’s resources are now strained to sustain the needs and wants of the human population, which continues to escalate (Humans Quotes)
I came to the conclusion that bringing Humans to earth with an intact ability to LOVE is essential if we are to survive as a species (Humans Quotes)
Consciousness-one level is understanding where we are in space. Consciousness two is where we understand our position in society: who’s top dog, who’s underdog and who’s in the middle. And type-three consciousness is simulating the future. And type-three consciousness, only humans have this ability to see far into the future (Humans Quotes)
I think we sometimes give ourselves a little too much credit as humans, as being able to control and understand nature, when in fact we do neither (Humans Quotes)
Humans punish themselves endlessly for not being what they believe they should be. They become very self-abusive, and they use other people to abuse themselves as well (Humans Quotes)
One of the key elements of human behavior is, humans have a greater fear of loss than enjoyment of success. All the academic studies will show you that the fear of loss of capital is far greater than the enjoyment of gains (Humans Quotes)
This earth indeed is the very Body of God, and it is from this body that we are born, live, suffer, and resurrect to eternal life. Either all is God’s Great Project, or we may rightly wonder whether anything is God’s Great Project. One wonders if we humans will be the last to accept this (Humans Quotes)
I was so fanatical about trying to save wildlife... I was unable to accept that we couldn’t solve this problem of thousands of years, of wherever humans operated, the environment deteriorated (Humans Quotes)
Knowledge is now accepted as the best we humans can do at the moment, but with the hope that we will turn out to be wrong - and thus to advance our knowledge. What’s happening to networked knowledge seems to make it much closer to the scientific idea of what knowledge is (Humans Quotes)
The gods do not need sacrifices, so what might one do to please them? Acquire wisdom, it seems to me, and do all the good in one’s power to those humans who deserve it (Humans Quotes)
Because I once became so distraught watching the film ‘Watership Down,’ my parents were happier to let me watch action adventures featuring humans and warriors rather than cute animals (Humans Quotes)
When you’re dealing with a problem as complex as autism, you have to look at it from many different points of view and assemble evidence from many different vantage points. Biological evidence in humans and in animals, toxicologic evidence, how does the body deal with toxins, and evidence looking at the actual experience in populations. (Humans Quotes)
But humans disappoint. Adam, in tasting the fruit, indicates that he prefers Eve to God, so God banishes them. (Humans Quotes)
The best way of dealing with the press, customers, and critics is to come clean when things go wrong and admit when you make a mistake. We are humans, and no one expects us to be perfect. (Humans Quotes)
I worry sometimes that humans are afraid of helping humans. There’s less risk associated with animals, less fear of failure, fear of getting to involved. (Humans Quotes)
I think the future of this planet depends on humans, not technology, and we already have the knowledge - we’re kind of at the endgame with knowledge. But we’re nowhere near the endgame when it comes to our perception. We still have one foot in the dark ages. (Humans Quotes)
It is interesting that the U.S. has this very strong proportion of the population that rejects scientific conclusions about the age of the Earth and about evolutionary relationships between species, including humans. (Humans Quotes)
Even before the agricultural revolution began in the Fertile Crescent about 10,000 years ago, humans had learned how to work with new technology. Those who could not or would not eventually became priests, politicians, and bureaucrats. (Humans Quotes)
To survive, humans need food, water, and air. Yet biodiversity, the Earth’s bodies of water, and the planet’s atmosphere are all under threat. (Humans Quotes)