Humans Quotes

Text Quotes
What we know for sure from our work and from others’ is that mice have a life span of 1,000 days, dogs have 5,000 days, and we humans have 29,000 days. Recognizing that the duration is limited, and aging is inevitable, focus the attention on enhancing the quality of the days you have. (Humans Quotes)
Humans live a lot longer than dogs, and we don’t suffer any penalty that I can see. We’re superior in almost every way - they can smell better. But really, they can’t drive cars, they can’t do half the things we can. I don’t understand why you can’t live longer and be really fit. (Humans Quotes)
I want people to understand there is a such a thing as creating a harmonious experience between the dogs and the humans. (Humans Quotes)
My grandmother said it very simply: If you don’t like dogs, you don’t like humans, and vice versa. I really believe that. (Humans Quotes)
Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs - loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love - can be elusive to humans. (Humans Quotes)
Dogs are actually very smart, it’s just that they’re rather clumsy, but it’s this trait that makes humans attracted to them and why I love dogs so much. (Humans Quotes)
Such is the breathtaking speciesism of our Christian-inspired attitudes, the abortion of a single human zygote can arouse more moral solicitude and righteous indignation than the vivasection of any number of intelligent adult chimpanzees! The only reason we can be comfortable with such a double standard is that the intermediates between humans and chimps are all dead. (Humans Quotes)
To science we owe dramatic changes in our smug self-image. Astronomy taught us that our Earth is not the center of the universe, but merely one of nine planets circling one of billions of stars. From biology we learned that humans were not specially created by God but evolved along with tens of millions of other species. (Humans Quotes) occurred to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again. (Humans Quotes)
It occurred to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because the is always the thought that everything might be done better and again (Humans Quotes)
I could imagine it. I could remember it. But I couldn’t see it again, and it occured to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again. (Humans Quotes)
For years, agency officials said that atrazine in drinking water posed almost no risk to humans or the environment. (Humans Quotes)
I think humans are driven by othering people, by defining themselves by who they are not and who is different from them. Human beings are in love with othering. (Humans Quotes)
I’m really looking forward to a time when generations after us look back and say how ridiculous it was that humans were driving cars. (Humans Quotes)
We don’t argue if drug companies create drugs that can cure humans and charge lots of money for them, even though we all have these diseases. It will be pretty hard to make a different argument for genes. (Humans Quotes)
It’s interesting to try to imagine how early humans discovered what was edible and what wasn’t. Who figured out that when you cooked stinging nettles, the sting would go away completely? How many people had to die before the relative toxicity of wild mushrooms became widely known? (Humans Quotes)
I was a huge Muppet fan growing up. I want to bring it back to the early 80s Muppet movies, when the scripts could have been performed by humans. (Humans Quotes)
Whereas HIV only in recent decades became infectious for humans, high risk papillomavirus types have in all likelihood been with us for millions of years, accompanying the human race since the early days of our evolution. (Humans Quotes)
Genetic design is something we can use to fight the lack of sustainability we humans are forcing on the earth’s environment. (Humans Quotes)
The planet Earth, though not threatened with destruction by man-made global warming, is by no means indestructible. There are many unpredictable events within our solar system, and still more outside it, that could make Earth uninhabitable by humans. (Humans Quotes)
Humans are vulnerable and rely on the kindnesses of the earth and the sun; we exist together in a sacred field of meaning. (Humans Quotes)
The Others’ books take place in an alternate Earth where the Earth natives have been the dominant predators throughout the world’s history, and humans are nowhere near the top of the food chain. But humans are clever and resilient, if not always wise, and have made some bargains with the Others in order to survive. (Humans Quotes)
Of all creatures on earth, we humans have the highest level of stupidity (Humans Quotes)
Humans have grown like a cancer. We’re the biggest blight on the face of the earth. (Humans Quotes)
So, congratulations humans, your global contribution is now on par with a gigantic meteor slamming into the Earth. (Humans Quotes)
It’s important to recognise that humans are not the measure of all things... The Earth is the measure of all things. (Humans Quotes)
Asteroids are deep-space bodies orbiting the Sun, not the Earth, and traveling to one would mean sending humans into solar orbit for the very first time. Facing those challenges of radiation, navigation and life support on a months-long trip millions of miles from home would be a perfect learning journey before a Mars trip. (Humans Quotes)
I always like to say just think you were a doctor with only one patient. You might understand how that person gets sick, how they get better, but you understand nothing about the progression of disease or how humans in general get ill. Now take an Earth scientist: you only have one planet to study. (Humans Quotes)
It is at Easter that Jesus is most human, and like all humans, he fails and is failed. His is not an all-powerful God, it is an all-vulnerable God. (Humans Quotes)
Human creativity is unlimited. It is the capacity of humans to make things happen which didn’t happen before. Creativity provides the key to solving our social and economic problems. (Humans Quotes)