Humans Quotes

Text Quotes
None of us can claim to be fair and square in love - and I’m definitely not a hypocrite! Humans are built to evolve with time. It depends on the nature of the relationship you share with a person. It is there today, tomorrow it may be gone; c’est la vie. (Humans Quotes)
Humans are insane. We kill our own people, starve our own people, sell them, work them to death, beat them, don’t give them affordable/free/good healthcare, and let them live in misery, while a few of us have - we have all we want. We are evil. (Humans Quotes)
I think that connection with humans is so important. Sometimes I’ll do this monologue and talk to the crowd, like, ‘Come on, let’s really connect here.’ I don’t think a lot of people understand it’s a two-way exchange. Some people go to a show and are like, ‘Yeah, you make me feel.’ That’s not how it works. (Humans Quotes)
Alex: You asked earlier why us humans fear death. I suppose it is the unknown - not knowing what awaits on the other side. But now I know, and I still fear it.The Darkness: ?Alex: But now I fear the living - in fact, I now fear life more than death! (Humans Quotes)
I have learned to take the part of me that is very fearful and work on that. There is space for that in my life. I have learned to give myself a bit more freedom between ‘action’ and ‘cut.’ I come by all that fear honestly, like most humans have. I can’t bring it with me to work, so in that way, the work feels quite liberating. (Humans Quotes)
I increasingly wonder whether most humans are in a constant state of unconsciously fearing each other. Perhaps they fear how intimately different other people might be to them, and the problem is that there is no real way of finding out just how huge that difference might be. (Humans Quotes)
Behaving morally because of a hope of reward or a fear of punishment is not morality. Morality is not bribery or threats. Religion is bribery and threats. Humans have morality. We don’t need religion. (Humans Quotes)
Fogg states that all humans are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain; to seek hope and avoid fear; and finally, to seek social acceptance and avoid rejection (Humans Quotes)
In Kenya, where there isn’t the luxury of feeding grains to animals, livestock yield more calories than they consume because they are fattened on grass and agricultural by-products inedible to humans. (Humans Quotes)
Our problem is that when you lose the touchstone, which is humanity, then when you have something like humans dying, it needs to feel profound. (Humans Quotes)
For me, ancestry is just one thing that connects us to people, and feeling connected to other people is generally a good thing, as long as one kind of connection does not have primacy over all the others. Heredity, race and nationhood are not the best criteria by which to judge our fellow humans. (Humans Quotes)
Through fasting. . .I have found a perfect health, a new state of existence, a feeling of purity and happiness, something unknown to humans. (Humans Quotes)
The worst reason to do magic is the desire to display your superiority to your fellow humans (Humans Quotes)
Questioning the ostensibly unquestionable premises of our way of life is arguably the most urgent of services we owe our fellow humans and ourselves. (Humans Quotes)
To fight evil one must also recognize one’s own responsibility. The values for which we stand must be expressed in the way we think of, and how we deal with, our fellow humans. (Humans Quotes)
The indifference, callousness and contempt that so many people exhibit toward animals is evil first because it results in great suffering in animals, and second because it results in an incalculably great impoverishment of the human spirit. All education should be directed toward the refinement of the individual’s sensibilities in relation not only to one’s fellow humans everywhere, but to all things whatsoever. (Humans Quotes)
I’d come into town from the bush - after 28 years of field work in natural systems - and become an academic. So I turned my attention to humans, much as I had to possums in the forests. (Humans Quotes)
Humans have voids, and you need things to fill voids... I didn’t have a dad to fill that male model void, so when I heard Eminem or freaking seen Dave Chapelle, that’s what I gravitated to. (Humans Quotes)
Intimacy between humans need not be relegated to independent film. Real characters can exist no matter what the scale of a movie is. (Humans Quotes)
If we look for human frailty in humans, we will always find it. When we focus on finding the frailties of those who hold priesthood keys, we run risks for ourselves. When we speak or write to others of such frailties, we put them at risk. (Humans Quotes)
The fact that we can’t easily foresee clues that would betray an intelligence a million millennia farther down the road suggests that we’re like ants trying to discover humans. Ask yourself: Would ants ever recognize houses, cars, or fire hydrants as the work of advanced biology? (Humans Quotes)
I just think demons are terribly interesting! In Sumerian times, demons weren’t seen as evil at all, just as incredibly powerful and very different from us: beings made of fire, when humans were made of earth. (Humans Quotes)
We, as humans, have actually developed a sense of social responsibility. We have gone beyond our basic instincts. We can and we do. This is what sets us apart from the chimps. They are extremely brutal and hostile. Your next door neighbor is to be killed unless she is a juicy young female, who hasn’t yet had her first baby, in which case you want her. (Humans Quotes)
If time, so fleeting, must like humans die, let it be filled with good food and good talk, and then embalmed in the perfumes of conviviality. (Humans Quotes)
It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leader without question. (Humans Quotes)
Practically every food you buy in a store for consumption by humans is genetically modified food. There are no wild, seedless watermelons. There’s no wild cows. (Humans Quotes)
Food production has affected the environment more than any other activity humans have engaged in. Humanity devotes more land to food production than anything else - roughly a third of the surface area of the earth, much of which was once forest but has been converted by humans into farms or grazing lands. (Humans Quotes)
We domesticated pigs to turn food waste back into food. And yet, in Europe, that practice has become illegal since 2001 as a result of the foot-and-mouth outbreak. It’s unscientific. It’s unnecessary. If you cook food for pigs, just as if you cook food for humans, it is rendered safe. It’s also a massive saving of resources. (Humans Quotes)
The natural inclination in all humans is to posit a force, a spirit, outside of us. That tendency toward superstitious magical thinking is just built into our nature. (Humans Quotes)
It’s funny how you can forget everything except people loving you. Maybe that’s why humans find it so hard getting over love affairs. It’s not the pain they’re getting over, it’s the love. (Humans Quotes)