Humans Quotes

Text Quotes
Being human in the digital world is about building a digital world for humans (Humans Quotes)
Randomness works well in search sometimes better than humans (Humans Quotes)
If humans fight the last war, nature fights the next one (Humans Quotes)
Humans persecute their different ones, yet they need them to give themselves definition and status (Humans Quotes)
Humans crave knowledge, and when that craving ends, we are no longer human (Humans Quotes)
Fortunately the family is a human institution: humans made it and humans can change it (Humans Quotes)
It is a strange paradox: Humans drown in the water, fish drown in the land (Humans Quotes)
Gratitude is the richest, most joyful feeling humans are privileged to experience (Humans Quotes)
When animals age, some humans see them as less valuable, less important and less entertaining (Humans Quotes)
Every human is like all other humans, some other humans, and no other human (Humans Quotes)
Researchers have proven that scientifically, that all humans are one people (Humans Quotes)
There is no fundamental difference between humans and the higher mammalsin their mental faculties (Humans Quotes)
The worst condition of humans is when they lose knowledge and control of themselves (Humans Quotes)
Humans are not proud of their ancestors, and rarely invite them round to dinner (Humans Quotes)
As for explaining mathematical phenomena it opens the question: explaining to whom? humans?, other computers? (Humans Quotes)
Computers creating art is an upsetting concept mostly because of what it means about humans (Humans Quotes)
I believe that most humans have within them the capacity to commit murder (Humans Quotes)
We have abolished the death penalty for humans, so why should it continue for animals? (Humans Quotes)
The difference between humans and other mammals is that we know how to accessorize (Humans Quotes)
Laughter is the greatest weapon we have and we, as humans, use it the least (Humans Quotes)
I think as humans, no one remembers their successes, everyone just remembers their failures (Humans Quotes)
Dinosaurs did not walk with humans. The evolutionary record says different. They gambled (Humans Quotes)
In conditions of uncertainty, humans, like other animals, herd together for protection (Humans Quotes)
People talk too much. Humans aren’t descended from monkeys. They come from parrots (Humans Quotes)
Chickens can do many things, but they cannot make sophisticated deals with humans (Humans Quotes)
Gods have great power, but only humans have creativity, the power to change history (Humans Quotes)
... you just can’t differentiate between a robot and the very best of humans (Humans Quotes)
Humanity, perhaps, that quality of benevolence that humans have, without irony, named after themselves (Humans Quotes)
Nothing changes; we humans repeat the same sins over and over, eternally (Humans Quotes)
I believe humans have souls, and I believe in the conservation of souls (Humans Quotes)