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Humongous Quotes

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The solar system is so humongous big  (Humongous Quotes) Jeez Louise. I know why rich people are so thin: it’s from trekking around their humongous houses the whole time  (Humongous Quotes) I love playing the Hard Rocks; they’ve got a great stage, great lighting, great sound, and not so humongous; its more intimate, so we love playing theaters and clubs where the audience has a really good chance to see and hear the group and where the acoustics are good. I like it when we can hear what we’re doing  (Humongous Quotes) Kenya is rapidly developing its industry and manufacturing, and its cultural identity as a new country. We had a humongous history pre-British, and when we were colonized and violently reshuffled, we had to decide who we were again. We couldn’t rest on the stories and the cultures of our great-grandparents  (Humongous Quotes) Tax laws favor capital over labor, giving capital gains a lower rate than ordinary income. The rich get humongous mortgage interest deductions while renters get no deduction at all.  (Humongous Quotes) All you really need to do is shift people just a tiny bit for change to happen. It doesn’t have to be huge and humongous.  (Humongous Quotes) Her, cheer up. Zoey’s grandma didn’t say the Raven Mockers actually ate people. She said they just picked them up with their humongous beaks and threw them against a wall or whatever over and over again until every bone in their body was broken. - Aphrodite LaFonte  (Humongous Quotes) When preparing your return, you should be sure to avoid common mistakes. The two most common taxpayer mistakes, states the IRS booklet, are (1) failure to include a current address, and (2) failure to be a large industry that gives humongous contributions to key tax-law-writing congresspersons.  (Humongous Quotes) I draft on the computer. I have a really giant screen that attaches to my laptop, and then I have a humongous digital drawing tablet called a Cintiq. It sits at all different angles, and it’s so big that it would take two people to move it.  (Humongous Quotes)