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Humor Quotes

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There is no defense against adverse fortune which is so effectual as an habitual sense of humor  (Humor Quotes) They don’t make you pay for the humor. It’s up and down, but they’re trying to give you as many laughs as possible in 2 minutes. They are the most honest comedians ever  (Humor Quotes) Throw in the humor, throw in that personality, try things you wouldn’t normally try  (Humor Quotes) We’re starting to push the envelope in terms of the expectations, and you can also have your own style, personality and sense of humor, because now we’re allowed to  (Humor Quotes) Well, it’s a humor strip, so my first responsibility has always been to entertain the reader... But if, in addition, I can help move readers to thought and judgment about issues that concern me, so much the better  (Humor Quotes) What a strange world this would be if we all had the same sense of humor  (Humor Quotes) When humor can be made to alternate with melancholy, one has a success, but when the same things are funny and melancholic at the same time, it’s just wonderful  (Humor Quotes) When we are dealing with death we are constantly being dragged down by the event: Humor diverts our attention and lifts our sagging spirits  (Humor Quotes) When you say a friend has a sense of humor do you mean that he makes you laugh, or that he can make you laugh?  (Humor Quotes) Wit is a weapon. Jokes are a masculine way of inflicting superiority. But humor is the pursuit of a gentle grin, usually in solitude  (Humor Quotes) With humor, it’s so subjective that trying to think of what the ideal reader would think would drive you crazy  (Humor Quotes) Women, as they grow older, rely more and more on cosmetics. Men, as they grow older, rely more and more on a sense of humor  (Humor Quotes) You can’t do anything to be funny. That’s cringeworthy. If your humor comes out of a place of love every time, you don’t make the joke bigger than you. The funniest comedians are in touch with their emotional level  (Humor Quotes) You can’t study comedy; it’s within you. It’s a personality. My humor is an attitude  (Humor Quotes) You see, that’s another thing that my parents gave me: an enormously great sense of humor  (Humor Quotes) Tony and I had a good on and off screen relationship, we are two very different people, but we did share a sense of humor, we now live in different parts of the world but when we find ourselves in the same place it is more or less as if there had been no years in between  (Humor Quotes) Every time I’ve done comedy in, like, traditional comedy clubs, there’s always these comedians that do really well with audiences but that the other comedians hate because they’re just, you know, doing kind of cheap stuff like dancing around or doing, like, very kind of base sex humor a lot, and stuff like that  (Humor Quotes) The comics that are just conversing with you up there and drawing on their own life, yeah, I guess so. I guess some do political humor, some do topical humor, but the ones that I like, the ones that are appealing to me, were guys who were just talking to you about their life  (Humor Quotes) Humor is very very risky, particularly for a candidate, unless he’s been in so long that it just doesn’t matter, and he’s not running for president. But it’s just that people are so sensitive and so touchy, and you’re just going to upset somebody without ever realizing it  (Humor Quotes) Cathy was the first widely syndicated humor strip created by a woman. The strip was pretty revolutionary at the time not only because it starred a female, but also because it was so emotionally honest about all the conflicting feelings many women had in 1976  (Humor Quotes) Wit penetrates; humor envelops. Wit is a function of verbal intelligence; humor is imagination operating on good nature  (Humor Quotes) I have been accused of being a joker. But the most successful art to me involves humor  (Humor Quotes) I have always felt that humor was a wonderful vehicle to let us become connected with each other and ourselves… I try to portray the similarities and polarities in men and women, so that wecan acknowledge and embrace our collective consciousness  (Humor Quotes) What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies  (Humor Quotes) Humor is a reminder that no matter how high the throne one sits on, one sits on one’s bottom  (Humor Quotes) You need to laugh more. Life is filled with too many problems, to not laugh every day... We need to have a sense of humor going into this because it’s too tough without it  (Humor Quotes) If I didn’t have a sense of humor, how could I stand this trial now?  (Humor Quotes) Writing humor in my column isn’t as dangerous as performing it. If I fail in front of a live audience, the humiliation is as great as anything a human being can suffer  (Humor Quotes) Humor simultaneously wounds and heals, indicts and pardons, diminishes and enlarges; it constitutes inner growth at the expense of outer gain, and those who possess and honestly practice it make themselves more through a willingness to make themselves less  (Humor Quotes) An atmosphere of trust, love, and humor can nourish extraordinary human capacity. One key is authenticity: parents acting as people, not as roles  (Humor Quotes)
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