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Humor Quotes

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The ironic humor comes from the distance between what we understand about ourselves and what is truly going on in ourselves  (Humor Quotes) I’m discovering there are innumerable ways to package, promote and sell my humor, as long as I reserve a little for myself to keep bouncing back and laughing off the rejections that are also part of the art of cartooning  (Humor Quotes) Can human beings change? The humor, and the sadness, of remarriage comedies can be said to result from the fact that we have no good answer to that question  (Humor Quotes) You have to have humor. If you don’t have humor and you take yourself seriously, you’re dead in the water. You have to be jostled. I love it. You’ve gotta have a laugh. It’s better than working for a living  (Humor Quotes) Humor was also a defense mechanism from getting picked on at school. If I could be funny maybe people wouldn’t bother me  (Humor Quotes) Candidates should be extremely cautious in displaying a sense of humor. If he or she tells a joke with a point, there is almost certain to be some minority group offended  (Humor Quotes) I think humor is warmer, and wit is colder. Wit is judgment, whereas humor invites some sort of response  (Humor Quotes) Wit, after all, is a mighty tart, pungent ingredient, and much too acid for some stomachs; but honest good humor is the oil and wine of a merry meeting  (Humor Quotes) People laugh at me. Sometimes I know why, and sometimes I don’t. But I can pretty much find humor in anything. That is a necessary part of life. I don’t want to say laughter is healing, because it sounds corny, but it’s a release  (Humor Quotes) The most profound indication of social malignancy... no sense of humor. None of the monoliths could take a joke  (Humor Quotes) What a newspaper needs in its news, in its headlines, and on its editorial page is terseness, humor, descriptive power, satire, originality, good literary style, clever condensation and accuracy, accuracy, accuracy  (Humor Quotes) Any time there’s a lot of pressure, it’s life and death, you go toward this very dark kind of humor. Soldiers do it. Cops do it  (Humor Quotes) I can only do what I do with a spirit of humor, and faith and give the controls over to something else  (Humor Quotes) I’m more interested in plot than theme, but I hope my values find their way into my stories: kindness, sympathy, effort, and humor!  (Humor Quotes) We see an enlightened teacher to gain a sense of humor, to learn balance and proportion and of course to learn wisdom  (Humor Quotes) You must be accommodating with your teacher. You must have a sense of humor about your teacher and the impossible things they ask you to do  (Humor Quotes) Without that poise and balance and gentle humor and caring sense, nothing happens at all. It’s just egotism and vanity and jealousy and possessiveness  (Humor Quotes) Real love is on the inside. It’s somebody you have a common ground with, you share the same values, you share the same interests, you share the same humor, you share all those things that are things that will last you the rest of your life  (Humor Quotes) The subtle differences in language and humor that get lost in translation, for example, make it almost impossible for big companies to do something that will appeal at home and abroad  (Humor Quotes) Some sarcasm is best told simply. Some humor is best told big and some is best told small  (Humor Quotes) I think humor is incredibly positive, I think it is life advancing. There’s medical research to show that it improves your antibodies. It’s all about sense and perspective  (Humor Quotes) I don’t really think of myself as quirky; I have sort of an unusual sense of humor  (Humor Quotes) I have a funny sense of humor. If I was a comedian and I was up on stage, people would think that’s funny, because I’m a funny comedian. I’m an entertainer  (Humor Quotes) I think comedy is a good way to deal with anything. I hear about people in the hospital who are ill, and they use humor to help them through it. I think it’s a great remedy for many things  (Humor Quotes) I was a terrible employee. I’ve been fired from almost every job I’ve ever had, luckily, in a good way, or else I’d be stuck. I would always joke around with everybody, and no one enjoyed my humor  (Humor Quotes) The humor is the sort born of ironic necessity; they use it to salve the wounds in insensitity  (Humor Quotes) Okay, sense of humor: plus one. Being able to laugh at yourself: plus one. Being able to laugh at other people without being mean: plus one. Vanity: minus one  (Humor Quotes) In the theater, as in life, we prefer a villain with a sense of humor to a hero without one  (Humor Quotes) Humor is the only free emotion. I mean, you can compel fear, as we know. You can compel love, actually... But you can’t compel laughter. It happens when two things come together and make a third unexpectedly  (Humor Quotes) That’s the great thing about a sense of humor and a sex drive, you can’t wait to share it with everybody else  (Humor Quotes)
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