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Humor Quotes

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Finding a way to find humor in things that are hardcore is definitely something that, I think, the sitcom does best  (Humor Quotes) Humor enables us to deal with and overcome many of the most painful and difficult situations in our lives  (Humor Quotes) The future isn’t just something that happens. It’s a brutal force, with a great sense of humor, that’ll steamroll you if you’re not watching  (Humor Quotes) I’m not a particularly dark individual. I have my moments, it’s true, but I do have a sense of humor  (Humor Quotes) I’ve always been really dark, and drawn to darker humor. Nothing has been forced, and I don’t say anything for shock value  (Humor Quotes) I think everybody you know, we all have a sense of humor and I’m not one to take myself too seriously  (Humor Quotes) I have a reputation for doing superheroes, but I like all kinds of writing. In fact, hardly anybody knows this, but I’ve probably written as many humor stories as superhero stories  (Humor Quotes) I always had to rely on humor and sarcasm. And when I started having kids, that doesn’t work with kids. Kids don’t understand sarcasm, and they certainly don’t understand my humor  (Humor Quotes) I feel like humor is the answer to everything. If you have a little bit of humor in the shaker and you can sprinkle that on, that’s your answer  (Humor Quotes) Drama, it would be as if you wrote some poetry. You’d run the risk of being embarrassed if people read it, because you’re pouring your heart out and you’re not mitigating it with any humor or anything  (Humor Quotes) Any type of humor can be transferred to the screen, as long as there’s clarity. The audience wants to know just what they’re supposed to be feeling, when they’re supposed to laugh  (Humor Quotes) Humor is like music. It’s a rhythm, and you just kind of get the rhythm of it, and you have to know not to let the beat go too long, but to leave a beat in there for it to gel  (Humor Quotes) Now, I have nothing against the public school system as it is presently organized, once you allow the humor of its basic assumption about how it is possible to teach things to children  (Humor Quotes) Russian humor is to adapt or make some sense or nonsense out of the insanity of their lives  (Humor Quotes) I think what is important for things to be funny is if you the listener, or the reader, get a chance to supply the humor of it yourself  (Humor Quotes) Human mobile devices that may come in handy and can be used anywhere include: prayer, meditation, a good attitude, compassion, kindness, humor, laughter, patience, love and a smile. Customize to personal style and taste  (Humor Quotes) Religious humor is not really my area, so I probably wouldn’t do anything about that, or politics or something  (Humor Quotes) I have a good sense of humor. I think everything we do should have whimsy in it  (Humor Quotes) I feel humor is important for those two reasons: that it is a little bit of refreshment like music, and that women have told me over the years that it is very, very important to them  (Humor Quotes) Humor is a great defense, and an offense too. Usually the recipient isn’t too happy about it, but the people around are laughing  (Humor Quotes) I have always employed humor, and I think it’s absolutely crucial that we do because, among other things, humor is the only free emotion  (Humor Quotes) I love a sense of humor, I love intelligence, I love specificity, I love surprises. I’m inspired to get out of bed in the morning and fill my day with good things  (Humor Quotes) There’s a tricky tone where you try to get some humor into a movie that’s also a tough tale of murder and revenge. You have to ice skate rather carefully between the humor and the action tension part of the drama  (Humor Quotes) What makes a good family? Well, I suppose obviously love. Love lubricated often I think by humor. I think a family that can laugh at each other and tease themselves and who are able to be jolly with each other I think is the key  (Humor Quotes) Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit  (Humor Quotes) Yet if strict criticism should till frown on our method, let candor and good humor forgive what is done to the best of our judgment, for the sake of perspicuity in the story and the delight and entertainment of our candid reader  (Humor Quotes) During the course of a day, some dark feeling comes, maybe some sadness comes, some thrill, some great happiness, some strange humor. Cinema can embrace all that in one story, just as the story of life  (Humor Quotes) No one will ever ask me to sing because it’s beautiful. My secret is hiding my musicianship behind humor  (Humor Quotes) It’s a very important skill set for an actor to be able to bring the humor into any moment, whether you’re doing drama or comedy  (Humor Quotes) I feel like humor is a part of life. I don’t think it comes through as much in the novels as it does in my head  (Humor Quotes)
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