Hunger Quotes

Text Quotes
... it was as if there were always some good fortune with me that would keep me from going hungry. I knew I would never die of hunger (Hunger Quotes)
Theres a child within me. Everything is fascinating. The hunger to learn, do better and more creative things never goes (Hunger Quotes)
It is an eternal obligation toward the human being not to let him suffer from hunger when one has a chance of coming to his assistance (Hunger Quotes)
I feed on art more than I ever do on photographs. I can admire photography, but I wouldn’t go to it out of hunger (Hunger Quotes)
I don’t understand how people can make such a fuss about people that are happy and in love, when there’s people dying of hunger and war and they don’t even notice that. I really don’t understand that. That makes me so angry! (Hunger Quotes)
We cannot sleep peacefully while babies are dying of hunger and the elderly are without medical assistance (Hunger Quotes)
That’s how fossil hunting is: It takes over, like a hunger, and nothing else matters but what you find. And even when you find it, you still start looking again the next minute, because there might be something even better waiting (Hunger Quotes)
Yela represents hunger, life, light, fire, power. Wolf speaks to my fighting spirit. The soul I put in my music (Hunger Quotes)
Most of those who died did not die of hunger but of hatred. Feeling hatred diminishes you. It eats at your from within and attacks the immune system. When you have hatred inside you, it always crushes you in the end (Hunger Quotes)
Hire sales people who are really smart problem solvers, but lack courage, hunger and competitiveness, and your company will go out of business (Hunger Quotes)
Homeless shelters, child hunger, and child suffering have become normalized in the richest nation on earth. It’s time to reset our moral compass and redefine how we measure success (Hunger Quotes)
You will touch this joy and you will suddenly know it is what you were looking for your whole life, but you were afraid to even acknowledge the absence because the hunger for it was so encompassing (Hunger Quotes)
Security isn’t what I hunger for. I hunger for change. I hunger for connection (Hunger Quotes)
Understanding a person’s hunger and responding to it is one of the most potent tools you’ll ever discover for getting through to anyone you meet in business or your personal life (Hunger Quotes)
There’s a hunger beyond food that’s expressed in food, and that’s why feeding is always a kind of miracle (Hunger Quotes)
My goal is to satisfy the hunger and longing for those who are seeking the truth (Hunger Quotes)
I told my cellmates about the oppression of the whites and apartheid. I helped organize hunger strikes and the like in my prison (Hunger Quotes)
The one common denominator of all successful people is their hunger to push through their fears (Hunger Quotes)
There are two classes of men called poets. The one cultivates life, the other art,... one satisfies hunger, the other gratifies the palate (Hunger Quotes)
I was a tiny bug. Now a mountain. I was left behind. Now honored at the head. You healed my wounded hunger and anger, and made me a poet who sings about joy (Hunger Quotes)
Food banking as well as other antihunger programs do a good job of managing poverty by alleviating its worst symptom, hunger (Hunger Quotes)
Emergencies have always been necessary to progress. It was darkness which produced the lamp. It was fog that produced the compass. It was hunger that drove us to exploration. And it took a depression to teach us the real value of a job (Hunger Quotes)
Where your deep gladness meets with the deep hunger of the world, there you will find a further calling (Hunger Quotes)
Cold and hunger seem more friendly to my nature than those methods which men have adopted and advise to ward them off (Hunger Quotes)
The pleasure of reading biography, like that of reading letters, derives from the universal hunger to penetrate other lives (Hunger Quotes)
A man with money to pay for a meal can talk about hunger without demeaning himself.... But for a man with no money hunger is a disgrace (Hunger Quotes)
I grew up in the church and had religion in my life for a long time. I’m not really a church goer, but I definitely have a hunger for a spiritual connection to the world and for my soul to be healed (Hunger Quotes)
When it comes to having a central nervous system, and the ability to feel pain, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy (Hunger Quotes)
The most violent appetites in all creatures are lust and hunger; the first is a perpetual call upon them to propagate their kind, the latter to preserve themselves (Hunger Quotes)
There’s a hunger and a fervor that I have, but there’s no person I’m going to push to the side to get where I’m going. I want to create my own road (Hunger Quotes)