Hunting Quotes

Text Quotes
Zombies smell worse than anything you can imagine if you haven’t been hunting things on the dark side of the world. It’s a ripe, gassy odour, like rotting eggs and meat gone bad, crawling blind with maggots. It’s road kill and decayed food and body odour all rolled into one package and tied up with puke (Hunting Quotes)
She wants to be flowers, but you make her owls. You must not complain, then, if she goes hunting (Hunting Quotes)
... there is something about everything that you can be glad about, if you keep hunting long enough to find it (Hunting Quotes)
If you turn the imagination loose like a hunting dog, it will often return with the bird in its mouth (Hunting Quotes)
I cannot think of a worse way of destroying an animal. Only two other methods come to mind, and they are similar. One is to boil the fox alive, and the other is to burn it alive. Those are just about the only alternatives that are worse than hunting (Hunting Quotes)
I think that everybody has acknowledged that, in controlling foxes, hunting is hardly used as a method at all. To say that other ways of killing foxes, such as shooting, are crueller is to accuse all those people who work in the countryside of being more cruel than they need to be. In all the time that I have lived in and represented the countryside, I have seen no evidence that those people have that view (Hunting Quotes)
Life in the open is one of my finest rewards. I enjoy and become completely immersed in the high challenge and increased opportunity to become for a time, a part of nature. Deer hunting is a classical exercise in freedom. It is a return to fundamentals that I instinctively feel are basic and right (Hunting Quotes)
Sometimes love doesn’t come to us. We have to go out hunting. It’s like pigs looking for truffles. It’s called dating (Hunting Quotes)
I don’t even have any good skills. You know like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills! (Hunting Quotes)
It is not larger, cleaner cages that justice demands... but empty cages; not traditional animal agriculture but a complete end to all commerce in the flesh of dead animals; not more humane hunting and trapping, but the total eradication of these barbarous practices (Hunting Quotes)
Whether it was hunting, fishing, or playing sports, my children were going to grow up outside. They weren’t going to be sitting on the couch inside. At least they didn’t grow up to be nerds (Hunting Quotes)
A downed animal is most certainly the object of a hunting trip, but it becomes an anticlimax when compared to the many other pleasures of the hunt (Hunting Quotes)
You can learn more about hunting deer with a bow and arrow in a week than a gun hunter will learn in his entire life (Hunting Quotes)
There’s more fun in hunting with the handicap of the bow than there is in hunting with the sureness of the gun (Hunting Quotes)
Golf is like hunting and fishing. What counts is the companionship and fellowship of friends, not what you catch or shoot (Hunting Quotes)
It’s paradoxical that the death of your quarry is besides the point and at the same time the whole point. A chase without a kill as its object is like a journey without a destination; a kill without a chase employing all the hunter’s craft is killing, not hunting (Hunting Quotes)
... there’s no such thing as sustainability. There are just levels of it. It’s a process, not a real goal. All you can do is work toward it. There’s no such thing as any sustainable economy. The only thing I know that’s even close to sustainable economic activity would be organic farming on a very small scale or hunting and gathering on a very small scale. And manufacturing, you end up with way more waste than you end up with finished product. It’s totally unsustainable. It’s just the way it is (Hunting Quotes)
Men had better be without education than be educated by their rulers; for their education is but the mere breaking in of the steer to the yoke; the mere discipline of the hunting dog, which, by dint of severity, is made to forego the strongest impulse of his nature, and instead of devouring his prey, to hasten with it to the feet of his master (Hunting Quotes)
Were designed for persistence hunting, which is a mix of running and walking. Whats built into that kind of running is a sense of pleasure. You are designed and built and perfect for this activity, and it should be enjoyable and fun (Hunting Quotes)
We ought to ban hunting, I suggest, if there isn’t a purpose other than sport and fun. That should be against the law. It’s time now (Hunting Quotes)
To me, reading through old letters and journals is like treasure hunting. Somewhere in those faded, handwritten lines there is a story that has been packed away in a dusty old box for years (Hunting Quotes)
The legend of the jungle heritage and the evolution of man as a hunting carnivore has taken root in man’s mind... He may even believe that equal pay will do something terrible to his gonads (Hunting Quotes)
My mom passed on her obsession of all things antique or vintage. I love to go thrift store shopping or explore any sort of garage sale. Treasure hunting is a family passion (Hunting Quotes)
I observed that the successful farmer worked at his job. He would do his plowing, disking, harrowing, seeding, and harvesting in the proper season and at the proper time, while his neighbor was procrastinating, or off hunting and fishing while the work was still to be done. We must learn to set our priorities straight. No one can be successful in his line of work unless he works at it in the proper season and plays in the proper season (Hunting Quotes)
When out fossil hunting, it is very easy to forget that rather than telling you how the creatures lived, the remains you find indicate only where they became fossilized (Hunting Quotes)
Well, the first and only time I went hunting, I shot a deer, and it mortified me. I just couldn’t do it again. But I know a lot about guns, so I go to the gun range and stuff like that with friends sometimes (Hunting Quotes)
You know, if you need 100 rounds to kill a deer, maybe hunting isn’t your sport (Hunting Quotes)
My dad is very successful in his business. He’s always been big in having hobbies and having little ways to get away. He always made time for hunting and fishing. He always encouraged me to do it (Hunting Quotes)
Especially in quail hunting, where the hunter is so focused on the bird that it makes everything else blurry. The bottom line in terms of bird hunting is what we call shooting zones (Hunting Quotes)
In a civilized and cultivated country wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen. the excellent people who protest against all hunting, and consider sportsmen as enemies of wild life, are ignorant of the fact that in reality the genuine sportsman is by all odds the most important factor in keeping the larger and more valuable wild creatures from total extermination (Hunting Quotes)