Hurt Quotes
Text Quotes
This time her heart would not break, even though it would hurt and hurt for a long time to come. Perhaps for the rest of her life. But it would not break. She had the strength to go on alone (Hurt Quotes)
I believe if you’re going to bomb someone you should know them first. It should hurt when you kill someone (Hurt Quotes)
Your truth may not look like mine, but that is not what matters. What matters is this: You can look at a scar and see hurt, or you can look at a scar and see healing (Hurt Quotes)
After a while, footsteps sounded on the flagstones outside and there was a gentle tap at the door. Of course, one of them would come. So close were we, the seven of us, that no childhood injury went unnoticed, no slight, real or imagined, went unaddressed, no hurt was endured without comfort (Hurt Quotes)
We can all of us be hurt, and no one is exclusively safe from worry and sadness (Hurt Quotes)
Second, and far more important: tuck your chin. You’re going to get hurt, so expect it and be ready. You may as well see it coming (Hurt Quotes)
If you loved people, you might hurt them, dissapoint them, anger them, but you never, ever, dishonored them (Hurt Quotes)
Sometimes I think that if it were possible to tell a story often enough to make the hurt ease up, to make the words slide down my arms and away from me like water, I would tell that story a thousand times (Hurt Quotes)
You don’t need to be seeing someone to be in love with her. You can have lost touch with her, she can have hurt you, even inexplicably. If you ever felt that you really knew her and that it was what you knew that you loved, and if you remember what it was you once knew, why is it so crazy to retain that love still? (Hurt Quotes)
I’ve always protected myself when it comes to love. And maybe that’s the problem. By not letting myself get hurt now, it ripples into much bigger pain later (Hurt Quotes)
He is afraid of you, so he hates you. It would be wrong to hurt him again. It would be like beating a dog after it has loosed it’s bladder. The spirit is already broken in him (Hurt Quotes)
She thought about how it was so simple with animals. They gave their hearts without question or fear. They had no expectations. They were so easy to love. If people could only be like that, no one would ever be hurt, she thought. No one would ever need to learn how to forgive (Hurt Quotes)
You ever laughed so hard nobody in the world could hurt you for a minute, no matter what they tried to do to you? (Hurt Quotes)
She wept for the hurt that he owned, a hurt she could never hope to remove (Hurt Quotes)
My mother used to talk about passages and, once in a while, about ordeals. We all have them; we are all shaped by them. She thought the key was to find the healing in the hurt (Hurt Quotes)
Despite how entertaining certain stories were, at the bottom of every item of gossip there was someone getting hurt (Hurt Quotes)
Sometimes people say terrible things when they’re scared. They don’t mean to, but they can’t help it. They lash out because if they can see that their words hurt someone else, it makes them feel as if they aren’t completely powerless (Hurt Quotes)
Reckon it’s best if you don’t have anyone you care about; then it can’t hurt you. Don’t have to be afraid of losing someone if you no one to lose (Hurt Quotes)
Childhood is such a delicate tissue; what they had done this morning could snag somewhere in the little ones, make a dull, small pain that will circle back again and again, and hurt them in small ways for the rest of their lives (Hurt Quotes)
It is a blessing as well as a burden to love so much that you can hurt so badly when love is gone (Hurt Quotes)
Much as I have no wish to hurt anyone’s feelings, my first obligation has not been to be nice but to be true to my perhaps peculiar memories, experiences and feelings (Hurt Quotes)
You ever want to feel powerless? Watch the people you care about being hurt and know there is nothing you can do about it (Hurt Quotes)
Closing down in the midst of pain is a denial of a man’s true nature. A superior man is free in feeling and action, even amidst great pain and hurt. If necessary, a man should live with a hurting heart rather than a closed one. He should learn to stay in the wound of pain and act with spontaneous skill and love even from that place (Hurt Quotes)
Keep your relationships brief. Don’t let them in. Once they’re inside they have more potential to hurt you. Comfort yourself. You can live with the anguish as long as it only involves yourself. As long as there is no hope (Hurt Quotes)
It’s what you do to yourself when you go mad with rage. You have no idea how much you can hurt yourself with your own strength (Hurt Quotes)
The rules of the track work well for life. Roller derby is life in a tiny circle. You can only go forward, even if you find yourself turned around, facing the wrong way. There’s speed, unpredictability, and danger. You can’t be sure what’s going to happen, you don’t always know when you’ll stop, and it appears most people are out to get you. You will fall. You will get hurt. But you will get up again (Hurt Quotes)
If I’m away from you for more than an hour, I can’t stop thinking about you. I carry you in my spirit. I pray for you more than I pray for myself... I know you don’t believe in fairy tales. But, if you did, I’d want to be your knight in shining armor. You’ve been through so much. I don’t want to see you hurt anymore. Now I may not be able to give you all that your used to. But I do know I can love you past your pain (Hurt Quotes)
When people hurt us, the best thing to do isn’t to ask why they did it but to remind ourselves that it wasn’t our fault (Hurt Quotes)
Truth doesn’t have to be liked. It only has to be spoken. Speak it out. The truth may hurt you, but it will set you free (Hurt Quotes)
Jesus went without comfort so that you might have it. He postponed joy so that you might share in it. He willingly chose isolation so that you might never be alone in your hurt and sorrow. He had no real fellowship so that fellowship might be yours, this moment. This alone is enough cause for great gratitude! (Hurt Quotes)