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Husband Quotes

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After you play husband and wife on camera multiple times, it becomes easy to be husband and wife off camera as well  (Husband Quotes) You can’t sit back. My husband and I have made the choice that our marriage is the most important thing to us. We respect what we have and understand how we need to feed it  (Husband Quotes) It was one thing not to want a husband, I realized; it was quite another not to need one for the roof over your head, for your meat and bread, for the shoes on your feet and the coat on your back  (Husband Quotes) In the true married relationship, the independence of husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal  (Husband Quotes) I live a normal life, I take care of our baby, I cook, and I look forward to the weekend so I can spend some time with my husband. It’s the kind of change we all secretly dream of, but which isn’t always easy to deal with  (Husband Quotes) I feel very lucky. I have a husband and baby that I adore. I have a career I really love. When I sit back and reflect, it’s, like, wow! I am very grateful  (Husband Quotes) It’s a real gift to have a husband and wife in the company that love each other and that work together. They check on each other emotionally and physically. That’s beautiful to me  (Husband Quotes) As for becoming queen, it was never on the forefront of my mind when I married my husband. It was a long way off, that thought  (Husband Quotes) It took a long time to understand why people were so interested in me, but I assumed it was because my wonderful husband had done a lot of wonderful work leading up to our marriage and our relationship. But then, over the years, you see yourself as a good product that sits on a shelf and sells well. People make a lot of money out of you  (Husband Quotes) My husband will never chase another woman. He’s too fine, too decent, too old  (Husband Quotes) I want lots of kids and I want a garden and I hope to stay married to my husband. I hope to be working in some way that fulfils me  (Husband Quotes) I’m an immensely shy and vulnerable woman. My husband has never seen me naked. Nor has he expressed the least desire to do so  (Husband Quotes) When facing a child, I become a child. When facing an elderly person, or a husband, or a wife, in my heart, I too am an elderly person, husband, or a wife. While I am talking with a person, in my heart, nothing exists except that person  (Husband Quotes) I’m very blessed to have a husband who appreciates me. Women feel sexy from feeling attractive and desired. Men feel sexy from having sex. If you can strike a balance where the man is having sex a lot and the woman is feeling desired enough to have sex, then you’ve figured out the secret to a marriage that’s alive  (Husband Quotes) After I became an attorney, the mother of two girls I’d known in high school came to see me. She’d endured years of heinous abuse from her husband that nearly destroyed her. I’d never suspected a thing  (Husband Quotes) I made a conscious decision to earn enough to be able to choose my husband rather than not have a career and marry someone who would have to earn enough for us both to live on  (Husband Quotes) I never meant to be a sexual object for anyone but my husband. I never thought a picture of my body would be tacked up in men’s bathrooms. I hate men looking at me and thinking what they think. And I know what they think. They write and tell me  (Husband Quotes) The wife picked out ceramic tile for floor covering, not realizing that cost was determined by square foot, not square yard like carpet. Thinking the price was plenty reasonable, she had an extra room of tile ordered for installation. When the bill arrived, it was staggering. She and her husband began a fight that continued all through the construction job. They ended up divorced, but not until she had broken every window  (Husband Quotes) At the heart of the gay marriage argument is an untruth: unions of two men or women are not the same as unions of husband and wife. The law cannot make it so, it can only require us to paint pretty pictures to cover up deep truths embedded in human nature  (Husband Quotes) Opera is like a husband with a foreign title: expensive to support, hard to understand, and therefore a supreme social challenge  (Husband Quotes) What does it mean when a man falls in love with a radiant face across the room? It may mean that he has some soul work to do. His soul is the issue. Instead of pursuing the woman and trying to get her alone, away from her husband, he needs to go alone himself, perhaps to a mountain cabin, for three months, write poetry, canoe down a river, and dream. That would save some women a lot of trouble  (Husband Quotes) Sometimes at night I think that my husband is with me again, coming gently through the mists, and we are tranquil together. Then the morning comes, the wavering grey turns to gold, there is stirring within me as the sleepers awake, and he softly departs  (Husband Quotes) Formerly, many men dominated women within marriage. Now, despite a much wider acceptance of women as workers, men dominate women anonymously outside the marriage. Patriarchy has not disappeared; it has changed form. In the old form, women were forced to obey an overbearing husband in the privacy of an unjust marriage. In the new form, the working single mother is economically abandoned by her former husband and ignored by a patriarchal society at large  (Husband Quotes) No book has yet been written in praise of a woman who let her husband and children starve or suffer while she invented even the most useful things, or wrote books, or expressed herself in art, or evolved philosophic systems  (Husband Quotes) It is only when a woman surrenders her life to her husband, reveres and worships him, and is willing to serve him, that she becomes really beautiful to him. She becomes a priceless jewel, the glory of femininity, his queen!  (Husband Quotes) You are the earth. We are sky and earth united... You are my husband. You are my wife. My feet shall run because of you. My feet shall dance because of you. My heart shall beat because of you. My eyes see because of you. My mind thinks because of you and I shall love because of you  (Husband Quotes) If my husband cheated on me and embarrassed me like that, I will embarrass him more than he could ever imagine  (Husband Quotes) I’m a hopeless romantic. I buy things because I fall in love with them. I never buy anything just because it’s valuable. My husband used to say I look at a piece of fabric and listen to the threads. It tells me a story. It sings me a song. I have to get a physical reaction when I buy something. A coup de foudre – a bolt of lightning. It’s fun to get knocked out that way!  (Husband Quotes) Husband and wife are like the two equal parts of a soybean. If the two parts are put under the earth separately, they will not grow. The soybean will grow only when the parts are covered by the skin. Marriage is the skin which covers each of them and makes them one  (Husband Quotes) If I should enter the house and speak with my own voice, at last, about its awful furnitutre, pulling apart the covering over the dusty bodies; the randy father, the husband holding ice in his hand like a blessing, the mother bleeding into herself and the small imploding girl, I say if I should walk into that web, who will come flying after me, leaping tall buildings? you?  (Husband Quotes)
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