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Husband Quotes

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I don’t want to describe the hate mail we’ve gotten. On why she was fearful of her husband running for president  (Husband Quotes) I would never complain about the position I’m in or the attention I get. At the end of the day, I’m very lucky to have what I have and do what I do, but I don’t see myself as any different from anyone else who works hard and is a dad and a husband  (Husband Quotes) They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together. Rather they alone are called husband and wife, who have one soul in two bodies  (Husband Quotes) I have lived with my husband more than I have with my parents... I live beside him, and know his worries, his hopes, and his dreams for his nation. We believe that things happen by design, not in an arbitrary way. And we believe it is our duty to make things happen  (Husband Quotes) The understanding smile of an old wife to her husband is one of the loveliest things in the world  (Husband Quotes) God pity the tortured hearts that will pant through this night! And the agony of the poor wife who has heard that her husband is really killed!  (Husband Quotes) I had a very old woman come up to me on the subway and tell me that the faces that I made in the first episode when a guy is going down on me, that she still makes those faces when her husband goes down on her  (Husband Quotes) My husband claims I have an unhealthy obsession with secondhand bookshops. That I spend too much time daydreaming altogether. But either you intrinsically understand the attraction of searching for hidden treasure amongst rows of dusty shelves or you don’t; it’s a passion, bordering on a spiritual illness, which cannot be explained to the unaffected  (Husband Quotes) The world is nothing but a school of love; our relationships with our husband or wife, with our children and parents, with our friends and relatives are the university in which we are meant to learn what love and devotion truly are  (Husband Quotes) If you like somebody, they look better to you. This is why spouses in happy marriages tend to think that their husband or wife looks much better than anyone else thinks that they do  (Husband Quotes) There is something special about unions of husband and wife. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have mothers and fathers  (Husband Quotes) Many young men, when they receive their first wife, are just so untrained. The woman, if she’s not careful, will be overbearing and always ask permission for what she wants. And ladies, build up your husband by being submissive. That’s how you will give your children success; you will want your children to be obedient, to be submissive to righteous living  (Husband Quotes) There is no greater treasure than a husband who models godliness before his wife and children on a daily basis  (Husband Quotes) I never again want to see the face of a starving child or hear the weeping of a mother who has lost her son to war. Peace, this is what my husband gave his life for, and I want the world to know that he did not die in vain. Peace, this is what will make me very happy  (Husband Quotes) It’s not great when your husband thinks the only guy who can talk to you, is some other guy  (Husband Quotes) Show me a husband who keeps his thoughts to himself, and I will show you a frustrated wife  (Husband Quotes) I don’t know whether my husband is a genius or not, but he certainly has a dirty mind  (Husband Quotes) It is only when a woman is economically empowered that she can negotiate at household level with her husband about the number of children that body of hers can have  (Husband Quotes) I have a husband and four rescue dogs. There is no option of no dogs on the bed. This is how I know my husband will be a good father someday. The pit bull sleeps on top of my husband. On top of him! He has to remove her sometimes because she snores too loudly into his ear and he can’t take it. But he moves her in such a cute, gentle way, and he doesn’t care about fur on the bed  (Husband Quotes) ... since birth control roots in a species of selfishness, the spiritual life of the user of contraceptives is also weakened. Women seem to become more masculine in thought and action; men more callous and reserved; both husband and wife become more careless of each other, and increasingly indifferent to the higher duties and joys of living  (Husband Quotes) I go home at the end of the day and I rarely talk about what I did that day. So my wife’s experience is just like that of anybody else whose husband goes away to a blue collar job and comes home bruised and dirty and often proud of the work that they’re doing  (Husband Quotes) I try not to be too hard on myself. My husband reminds me that life is a marathon, not a sprint  (Husband Quotes) My father is a great grandfather. He’s a wonderful grandfather, but he’s a terrible husband  (Husband Quotes) My characters always start well in movies. Almost every movie I’ve done starts with a happy marriage, it’s all beautiful, wealthy, whatever... and then of course my husband leaves me, and everything falls apart  (Husband Quotes) I have to admit that one of the saddest things I see in ministry is a woman who belittles her husband. Even if he has indeed failed in some way, his wife’s disparaging words compound the disaster exponentially. Her cynicism is utterly emasculating, and many times, incredibly subtle. Like a fine, thin blade, it slices deep, penetrating to the very core of his masculine soul  (Husband Quotes) It might sound ordinary for a woman to find out her husband’s cheating on her, but not if you’re the woman and it’s your husband  (Husband Quotes) I have three wonderful children. My husband is an absolutely wonderful, perfect husband and a father, most of all  (Husband Quotes) My body should only be for my husband and it’s just a sacred thing  (Husband Quotes) There are no secrets of success. Success is doing the things you know you should do. Success is not doing the things you know you shouldn’t do. Success is not limited to any one area of your life. It encompasses all the facets of your relationships: as parent, as wife or husband, as citizen, neighbor, worker and all of the others. Success is not confined to any one part of your personality but is related to the development of all the parts: body, mind, heart and spirit. It is making the most of your total self  (Husband Quotes) My husband was so ugly, he used to stand outside the doctor’s office and make people sick  (Husband Quotes)
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