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Husband Quotes

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Sometimes the person that excites you most isn’t necessarily going to make the best husband or wife. It takes a lot to see past the glamor and glitter when you’re looking to get married and look for someone who’s going to be a loving companion that will stand by your side no matter what and better you while also seeking to be bettered by you  (Husband Quotes) There are many times when I think I would have rather died with my husband. It would have been pleasanter, simpler. But it would have been worse for the children and the family in general  (Husband Quotes) You know, as I get older, personal happiness is all about love. It’s all about love. You know, how I’m loved and how I love my family and my husband. That to me is happiness, when I feel like I am loved and I have a place to love deeply. That to me is happiness  (Husband Quotes) ... it is a fact universally acknowledged that a husband is the most ridiculous thing on earth, except for a bachelor  (Husband Quotes) In a society which really supported marriage the wife would be encouraged to go to the office and make love to her husband on the company’s time and with its blessing  (Husband Quotes) When my husband of almost 20 years can’t take his eyes off me? That’s amazing. But the number one reason I go to the gym is because it keeps me sane; I can deal with whatever’s coming at me  (Husband Quotes) I love cooking and one of my favourite things to do with my husband is open up the refrigerator  (Husband Quotes) My husband believed that all women who want to should be free, equal, independent, creative, well informed, and lead stimulating, interesting lives. Except me  (Husband Quotes) I was doing everything I could think of to protect my husband and keep him alive  (Husband Quotes) If you want an active schedule, you have to husband your time so you can act on the things that are important  (Husband Quotes) I met my second husband on a bus. We looked at each other and that was it. We were both married to other people at the time and behaved badly, but we didn’t seem to have any choice. We were very happy for nearly 50 years and would still be together if it wasn’t for the bloody railways  (Husband Quotes) My husband is my part of my greatest joys, so it doesn’t feel like work or like I’m balancing anything. My husband and my kids absolutely come first, so work is just something where I figure out where it will fit  (Husband Quotes) What I love about my husband is that he really allows me to be the best person I can  (Husband Quotes) I might do my own independent film, that my husband wrote for me, if all the ducks are in a row  (Husband Quotes) I have a husband and children, and it affects me deeply that somebody could be taken away in a second  (Husband Quotes) I was always very determined, as was my husband, that we wouldn’t let any of our children act when they were young  (Husband Quotes) What does it mean to a successful woman today? Does it mean you have to be a mother? If you are a mother, does it mean you have to be a mother with a husband? If you don’t have a husband, what is the role that the man plays? I think there are a lot of confusing things that we’re all really still sorting out  (Husband Quotes) I went down to my baby’s house and I sit down on her steps. She said, now come on in now, you know, my husband just left  (Husband Quotes) My husband says I like animals more than I like people. I take that as the compliment he means it as  (Husband Quotes) It is kind of cliche to say you like a man to smell like a man, but I really do. My husband can go three or four days without taking a shower and the man never smells  (Husband Quotes) I love playing strong feisty women, I really do, but if you were to ask my husband he’d probably say that I’m very insecure. And actually incredibly malleable, which isn’t necessarily a good thing  (Husband Quotes) A real man loves his wife, and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father  (Husband Quotes) I am extremely lucky that I have a husband who is so supportive. He’s not in the slightest bit jealous or worried about the things I do in certain scenes  (Husband Quotes) The funny thing is that my husband couldn’t be sweeter. He looks like this bad boy. He’s got tattoos and earrings and a mohawk, but when you talk to him and he’s around you, he’s such a gentleman. He holds doors for ladies. He pulls out chairs. He cooks. He cleans  (Husband Quotes) I love what I do professionally, I’m really blessed. But my priority is my husband and my children  (Husband Quotes) Families, generally, suck. And I say that as someone who, like my husband, had parents who proved the proverbial exception to the rule  (Husband Quotes) Happiness is not that easy to achieve, but having a handsome husband, a beautiful baby, and a great job helps  (Husband Quotes) It’s easy to get lost in the baby. You have to make sure you give your husband attention  (Husband Quotes) Divorce is never easy, but it’s even more painful when you find out your husband is having an affair with a beautiful model fifteen years younger than you  (Husband Quotes) My husband is a musician. He cooks and he’s a chef but he also, he makes basement recordings. So many people in my life make basement recordings, so I feel very lucky, I’m surrounded by very creative people  (Husband Quotes)
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