Huston Smith Quotes

Text Quotes
God is defined by Jesus but not confined to Jesus (Huston Smith Quotes)
...the only thing that continues is the consequences of our action. (Huston Smith Quotes)
The most powerful moral influence is example (Huston Smith Quotes)
God has to speak to each person in their own language, in their own idioms. Take Spanish, Chinese. You can express the same thought, but to different people you have to use a different language. Its the same in religion (Huston Smith Quotes)
Confucius saw the human self as a node, not an entity (Huston Smith Quotes)
Poetry is a special use of language that opens onto the real. The business of the poet is truth telling, which is why in the Celtic tradition no one could be a teacher unless he or she was a poet (Huston Smith Quotes)
Rationalism and Newtonian science has lured us into dark woods, but a new metaphysics can rescue us (Huston Smith Quotes)
When I read the Upanishads, which are part of Vedanta, I found a profundity of worldview that made my Christianity seem like third grade (Huston Smith Quotes)
I am very orthodox in thinking that Jesus acted in his life the way God would have acted if God had assumed human form (Huston Smith Quotes)
After his great awakening, the Buddha continued to meditate and to devote himself to others; otherwise his vision would have receded into a pleasant memory (Huston Smith Quotes)
Swami Ashokananda was a brilliant and accomplished spiritual teacher in the West (Huston Smith Quotes)
I grew up taking it for granted that missionaries were what American boys grew up to be (Huston Smith Quotes)
I had assumed that Bush’s seemingly inflexible policy to support Sharon was for political reasons of his getting elected. But as to whether he really believes his actions are going to hasten the day of the final conflict, I do not know (Huston Smith Quotes)
I’m not a chauvinist. I’m a universalist. I think that God imploded, like a spiritual big bang, to launch the eight civilizations that make up recorded history and the religions in those civilizations (Huston Smith Quotes)
Swallow your pride and admit that we all need help at times (Huston Smith Quotes)
Pure science - this vision of the universe as 15 billion light years across - I am bedazzled and awed by it (Huston Smith Quotes)
The first koan do not have rational answers. They are techniques devised over the millennia for triggering an actual experience. (Huston Smith Quotes)
No one in human history has given as much thought to the interweaving of altered states of consciousness and religion as I have. (Huston Smith Quotes)
When the scientific method came into being, it gave us a new window on the truth; namely, a method by laboratory-controlled experiments to winnow true hypotheses from false ones. (Huston Smith Quotes)
If we take the world’s enduring religions at their best, we discover the distilled wisdom of the human race. (Huston Smith Quotes)
I don’t have any fear of death. I do, however, have an inordinate fear of becoming dependent on other people. To me, that’s the severest test, not death. (Huston Smith Quotes)
The faith I was born into formed me. I come from a missionary family - I grew up in China - and in my case, my religious upbringing was positive. Of course, not everyone has this experience. I know many of my students are what I have come to think of as wounded Christians or wounded Jews. (Huston Smith Quotes)
In my town, I had only one adult American male role model: my father. I grew up taking it for granted that missionaries were what American boys grew up to be. (Huston Smith Quotes)
What is sickness? What is health? Both are distractions. Put them both aside and go forward. (Huston Smith Quotes)
After his great awakening, the Buddha continued to meditate and to devote himself to others; otherwise his vision would have receded into a pleasant memory. (Huston Smith Quotes)
The Sufis say there are three ways to know fire - by hearing it described, by seeing it, or by being burned. (Huston Smith Quotes)
Most of the book deals with things we already know yet never learn (Huston Smith Quotes)
The self is too small an object for perpetual enthusiasm (Huston Smith Quotes)
The goal of spiritual life is not altered states, but altered traits (Huston Smith Quotes)
Beware of the differences that blind us to the unity that binds us (Huston Smith Quotes)