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Hymns Quotes

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It’s part of what I do at my piano - the hymns. And then I write  (Hymns Quotes) Hymns are the poetry of the people  (Hymns Quotes) What hymns are sung. What praises said. For homemade miracles of bread?  (Hymns Quotes) Hymns are companions for life travelers  (Hymns Quotes) My poems are hymns of praise to the glory of life  (Hymns Quotes) Faith converses with the angels, and antedates the hymns of glory  (Hymns Quotes) I wanted to have more songs with religious backgrounds. The Christmas record has strong, traditional hymns, but it also has a song called ‘Christmas in Heaven’ about missing someone that you love that’s passed on, and wondering what’s going on up there on Christmas.  (Hymns Quotes) But now I have learned to listen to silence. To hear its choirs singing the song of ages, chanting the hymns of space, and disclosing the secrets of eternity.  (Hymns Quotes) I am atheist in a very religious mould. I’m always asking myself the big questions. Where did we come from? Is there a meaning to all of this? When I find myself in church, I edit the hymns as I sing them.  (Hymns Quotes) When I did the Abyssinian mass, I went through the whole history of the church music and the gospel music, even with the Anglo American hymns, the Afro American hymns, the spirituals and how it developed, up to Thomas Dorsey and the Dixie Hummingbirds, going through the history of the music, jazz musicians.  (Hymns Quotes) Hymns should have unity, graduation and mutual dependence in the thoughts, a conscious progress, a sense of completeness.. And be easily understood  (Hymns Quotes) I think the hymns give us a glimpse of the generations before us, and what was important to them at the time. Even though they are usually singing similiar messages that are in today’s music, it is good to be reminded that the message of Christ is just as much relevant today as it was then  (Hymns Quotes) ...hymns have been a powerful instrument of God to draw people closer to His Word and the saving riches therein.  (Hymns Quotes) The Soviet Union needs thinking and critical friends, such as are capable not only of singing hymns in the hours of success, but of not shrinking in the hour of defeat and danger.  (Hymns Quotes) The democratic and pedestrian character of the new Mass itself seems to invite the ditties that pass for hymns these days  (Hymns Quotes) The singing of hymns and the rendition of selections from the great sacred oratorios by ward choirs all enhance the spirit of worship  (Hymns Quotes) I do a medley of hymns in all of my sets, whether I’m in an arena, in a theater, in an amusement park  (Hymns Quotes) Jews wait for the Lord, Protestants sing hymns to him, Catholics say mass and eat him  (Hymns Quotes) But nowadays hymns are the norm, because people don’t have much else to sing  (Hymns Quotes) My fire was in all its glory about midnight, and, having made a bark shed to shelter me from the rain and partially dry my clothing, I had nothing to do but look and listen and join the trees in their hymns and prayers  (Hymns Quotes) Growing up in Jamaica, the Pentecostal church wasn’t that fiery thing you might think. It was very British, very proper. Hymns. No dancing. Very quiet. Very fundamental.  (Hymns Quotes) They longed to see the day, to hear the lark record her hymns, and chant her carols blest  (Hymns Quotes) Never do hymns seem so long as in the days of childhood, never is their world and their language so alien to the soul. In old age the opposite is true, the hours are then too short for the hymns  (Hymns Quotes) I suddenly realized that there's something about singing hymns with a large group of people that sharpens the senses remarkably. I stored this observation away for later use; it was a jolly good thing to know for anyone practicing the art of detection  (Hymns Quotes) Just as anyone who listens to the muse will hear, you can write out of your own intention or out of inspiration. There is such a thing. It comes up and talks. And those who have heard deeply the rhythms and hymns of the gods, can recite those hymns in such a way that the gods will be attracted  (Hymns Quotes) I am atheist in a very religious mould. I’m always asking myself the big questions. Where did we come from? Is there a meaning to all of this? When I find myself in church, I edit the hymns as I sing them  (Hymns Quotes) To honor with hymns and panegyrics those who are still alive is not safe; a man should run his course and make a fair ending, and then we will praise him; and let praise be given equally to women as well as men who have been distinguished in virtue  (Hymns Quotes) The hymns were born in the fifteenth or sixteenth century or earlier, and listening to them was like licking an icicle: the same chill, the same purity  (Hymns Quotes) I grew up going to a real small missionary baptist church. We would sing a lot of the old standards... the hymns and everything. Those songs are still my favorite and are pretty timeless  (Hymns Quotes) At school, I enjoyed playing the bassoon. I was in the orchestra and played the melody when the other boys sang hymns at prayers time  (Hymns Quotes)
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