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Hypnosis Quotes

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I think hypnosis is entertaining. I believe it’s real  (Hypnosis Quotes) Only medical hypnosis is capable of opening up amnesia  (Hypnosis Quotes) A democratic civilization will save itself only if it makes the language of the image into a stimulus for critical reflection - not an invitation for hypnosis  (Hypnosis Quotes) As far as hypnosis is concerned, I had a very serious problem when I was in my twenties. I encountered a man who later became the president of the American Society of Medical Hypnosis. He couldn't hypnotize me  (Hypnosis Quotes) An idea accepted as true from any source can be every bit as powerful as hypnosis  (Hypnosis Quotes) You can not make someone love you. You can not be thin enough or white enough or famous enough. The choice is entirely the other person’s. Then again, you might try hypnosis  (Hypnosis Quotes) People often ask me if I’m working on a book. That’s not how I feel. I feel like I work in a book. It’s like putting myself under a spell. And this spell, if you will, is so real to me that if I have to leave my work for a few days, I have to work myself back into the spell when I come back. It’s almost like hypnosis  (Hypnosis Quotes) The collective dream is the hypnosis of social conditioning. Only sages, psychotics and geniuses manage to break free  (Hypnosis Quotes) Although we think that we think, most of the time we are being thought by the collective mind, the hypnosis of conditioning  (Hypnosis Quotes) It is only by questioning what people take for granted, what people hold to be true, that we can break through the hypnosis of social conditioning  (Hypnosis Quotes) In fact, if you have a crime committed against you, and you go to have hypnosis, you can’t testify. Because there’s no way to test what is real, what’s fact, what’s fantasy  (Hypnosis Quotes) You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favorable climate in which to learn  (Hypnosis Quotes) Hypnosis I believe is real. The only problem I guess I have is that, you know, if God or somebody who passed on in my life wanted to talk to me, why wouldn’t they come directly to me?  (Hypnosis Quotes) [This kind of strange mythology about me.] I’ve pulled a huge steamboat over a mountain; I’ve done a feature film with all the actors acting under hypnosis - things that are very unusual.  (Hypnosis Quotes) Writing is like being in a dream state or under self-directed hypnosis. It induces a state of recall that - while not perfect - is pretty spooky.  (Hypnosis Quotes) To be free from false identity and the hypnosis of conditioning is the biggest smile and joy you are going to feel in your life.  (Hypnosis Quotes)