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Hypnotized Quotes

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Man is hypnotized by the glitter of his own gadgetry  (Hypnotized Quotes) Been stuck in airports, terrorized; sent to meetings, hypnotized; overexposed, commercialized. Handle me with care  (Hypnotized Quotes) One is healthy when one can laugh at the earnestness and zeal with which one has been hypnotized by any single detail of one’s life  (Hypnotized Quotes) I was helping my mom grind meat at our butcher shop, and it just hypnotized me. I don’t remember sticking my hand in, but it sheared off the three middle fingers and left me with a pinkie and a thumb.  (Hypnotized Quotes) If I have not the power to put myself in the place of other people, but must be continually burrowing inward, I shall never be the magnanimous creative person I wish to be. Yet I am hypnotized by the workings of the individual, alone, and am continually using myself as a specimen.  (Hypnotized Quotes) When sighs are hypnotized by sorrowHappy moments you need to borrowFrom a little child or from a birdWho has the wild freedom of soul: stirred!  (Hypnotized Quotes) The whole idea of being mesmerized and not in control of your own actions is fascinating and a little spooky. I remember hearing about someone who’d gone to a magic act, and a person in the audience had become hypnotized by observing too closely what magician was doing on stage, and thought it was spooky to lose your consciousness that way.  (Hypnotized Quotes) Have I been blind have I been lost inside myself and my own mind hypnotized mesmerized by what my eyes have seen?  (Hypnotized Quotes) On the train: staring hypnotized at the blackness outside the window, feeling the incomparable rhythmic language of the wheels, clacking out nursery rhymes, summing up moments of the mind like the chant of a broken record: God is dead, God is dead. going, going, going. and the pure bliss of this, the erotic rocking of the coach. France splits open like a ripe fig in the mind; we are raping the land, we are not stopping  (Hypnotized Quotes) Practically the whole human race is hypnotized because it thinks what somebody else told it to think  (Hypnotized Quotes) So the days pass, and I ask myself whether one is not hypnotized, as a child by a silver globe, by life, and whether this is living  (Hypnotized Quotes) I was helping my mom grind meat at our butcher shop, and it just hypnotized me. I don’t remember sticking my hand in, but it sheared off the three middle fingers and left me with a pinkie and a thumb  (Hypnotized Quotes) I feel angry that I can't be hypnotized. I'm not putting it down, and I'm not saying that it doesn't exist. I have talked to a great many people who are very good at it, but so far nobody has ever been able to hypnotize me  (Hypnotized Quotes) When I play for the people, every time I play for my audience they are hypnotized, seen. These guys know the potential of the music  (Hypnotized Quotes) I first fell in love with music when I was a little boy. When I first heard music, I felt the beauty in it. Then, being able to tap along on a table top and box was great, but my favorite thing to do was to watch records spin. I would almost get hypnotized by it. These things are what drew me in initially  (Hypnotized Quotes) I’ve walked these streets, in a carnival of sights to see. All the cheap thrill seekers, the vendors and the dealers, they crowded around me. Have I been blind? Have I been lost, inside myself and my own mind? Hypnotized, mesmerized, by what my eyes have seen? I’ve walked these streets, in a spectacle of wealth and poverty. In the diamond market, the scarlet welcome carpet that they just rolled out for me  (Hypnotized Quotes) Musically, I am still hooked and just hypnotized by the sound of the guitar itself. I mean, a guitar sounds good if you drop it on the floor  (Hypnotized Quotes) It would be a fine thing, in which I hardly dare believe, to pass our lives near each other, hypnotized by our dreams  (Hypnotized Quotes) It is no exaggeration to say that every human being is hypnotized to some extent either by ideas he has uncritically accepted from others or ideas he has repeated to himself or convinced himself are true. These negative ideas have exactly the same effect upon our behavior as the negative ideas implanted into the mind of a hypnotized subject by a professional hypnotist  (Hypnotized Quotes) Past and future monopolize the poet’s sensory and intellectual faculties, detached from the immediate spectacle. These two philtres become utterly clear the moment one stops being hypnotized by the cloudy precipitate constituted by the world of today  (Hypnotized Quotes) If the only new thing we have to offer is an improved version of the past, then today can only be inferior to yesterday. Hypnotized by images of the past, we risk losing all capacity for creative change  (Hypnotized Quotes) It’s easy. You draw a red line on the ground, right? Then you wait for a chicken to come along. When he arrives, he puts his beak right on the line and he’s hypnotized!  (Hypnotized Quotes)