I'll Be Fine Quotes

Text Quotes
Oh fine. I’ll play nice with the pretty people. (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
I love the way I look. I’m fine with it. And if my body changes, I’ll be fine with that (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
He said he loves her more because she makes him smile. Fine! I’ll give him the Glasgow smile. Beat that, bitch! (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
If I can be a working actor, if I can be an actor and not have a day job, I’ll be fine (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
Fine, I’ll teach you,’’Besides, there’s only so many times a girl wants to fall on her butt in front of the boy she’s out to impress. (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
I can pass a drug test in eight days with herbal cleansers. I drink 10 pounds of water and sweat out 10 pounds of water every day. I’ll be fine. (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
I never know what I’m going to write next. If I’m still writing the book but I’m very near the end, and I begin to think of what I’d like to do next, then I’ll know that what I’m writing is in hand. I’ll think of an ending and it will be fine. (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
If being a decent soul is being maternal, then fine. I’ll call it human. (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
I’m sorry, Cullen. I really am. I know this sucks. But you’re better off anyway. And you’ll be fine. You needed me. Now someone else needs me. (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
Confidence is not ‘they will like me’. Confidence instead is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’ (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
I think I’ll feel out of place wherever I go on earth, forever. But that’s fine. I have to make my peace with that (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
I think he got an incidental elbow in the face, messed up his pretty red lips a little bit. But other than that he’ll be fine (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
If I can make programmes when I’m 95, that would be fine. But I would think I’ll have had enough by then (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
Everybody fears the unknown. But I have a strong feeling there’s something bigger than us. I don’t think all this exists because some rocks happened to collide. I’m at peace. When it comes, I’ll be fine, calm. I’ll miss life, though. Especially my family (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
Here’s what I’ve learned about raising boys... if you keep ‘em busy, they’re fine. You let ‘em get bored, they’ll dismantle your house board by board (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
I’m on the pursuit of happiness and I know, everything that shines ain’t always gonna be gold. But I’ll be fine once I get it, I’ll be good (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
Give me oysters and beer, for dinner every day of the year, and I’ll be fine (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
Say what you will, there is something fine about our old aristocracy. I’ll bet Trotsky couldn’t hit a moving secretary with an egg on a dark night (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
So I’d be quite happy to have a three-hour Lincoln-Douglas-style debate with Barack Obama. I’d let him use a teleprompter. I’ll just rely on knowledge. We’ll do fine (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
Honestly, if the worst these people can say about me is that I’m gay, then I think I’ll be fine. I can handle it (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
After doing One Fine Day and playing a pediatrician on ER, I’ll never have kids. I’m going to have a vasectomy (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
Confidence is not "They will like me" confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't" (I'll Be Fine Quotes)
It's like you always have to put on a happy face, be the phony baloney, and I'm so not that. I never was that; I'll never be that. That is part of the business that I don't like. Maybe that will always keep me an outsider, I don't know. But that's fine (I'll Be Fine Quotes)