I am literally at my breaking point over things that shouldn't even matter

I am literally at my breaking point over things that shouldn't even matter
At some point in our lives, we all reach a breaking point. It's that moment when the weight of our emotions, stress, and frustrations become too much to bear. We feel like we are on the verge of falling apart, and even the smallest things can push us over the edge. It's a feeling of being overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally drained."I am literally at my breaking point over things that shouldn't even matter" is a sentiment that many of us can relate to. It's the feeling of being pushed to the brink by seemingly insignificant issues or problems that, in the grand scheme of things, should not have such a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being.
But the truth is, our breaking points are often not about the specific issue at hand, but rather a culmination of various stressors and challenges that have been building up over time. It's like a pressure cooker reaching its maximum capacity, and any additional stressor can cause it to explode.