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I Am Quotes

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It is the surface I am interested in. Because the surface is the inside  (I Am Quotes) I’m vulnerable, I’m vulnerable. I am not a robot  (I Am Quotes) I am now a legend. I am also the greatest athlete to live  (I Am Quotes) I am a moment illuminating eternity... I am affirmation... I am ecstasy  (I Am Quotes) I am now face to face with dying. But I am not finished with living  (I Am Quotes) I am living permanently in my dream, from which I make brief forays into reality  (I Am Quotes) Some people are more certain of everything than I am of anything  (I Am Quotes) I am a liberal. I want everyone to be well  (I Am Quotes) The day I am not able to fly will be a sad day for me  (I Am Quotes) I am not a driver, I am a racer  (I Am Quotes) I am my biggest marital problem  (I Am Quotes) I am the best in the world at what I do  (I Am Quotes) I am not alone. Whatever else there was or is, writing is with me  (I Am Quotes) I am for an art that grows up not knowing it is art at all  (I Am Quotes) I am not brand conscious. I wear what suits me  (I Am Quotes) Eat a lot and train hard, I am sure that you will succeed  (I Am Quotes) I am invested in keeping present the forgotten bodies  (I Am Quotes) Being a teacher is not what I do, it’s who I am  (I Am Quotes) I am just a person who can’t skate in the mountains  (I Am Quotes) I read a lot. I am an inveterate reader. I always have a novel going  (I Am Quotes) I think I am less of a prankster and more of a jokester  (I Am Quotes) Dear world, I am leaving because I am bored  (I Am Quotes) I am essential to the theater  (I Am Quotes) I am definitively qualitative about work  (I Am Quotes) Deep inside, I am desperate to do comedy  (I Am Quotes) I am as far from a hypochondriac as you could ever be  (I Am Quotes) I will do my best to entertain. That’s what I am: an entertainer  (I Am Quotes) Few people know that I am also an artist; I truly enjoy sketching and drawing  (I Am Quotes) I am the greatest marital artist in the world  (I Am Quotes) I don’t talk about my politics. I am registered as an independent  (I Am Quotes)
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